Anyone else here remember that Ridley Scott fairy-tale movie 'Legend?' Well, one of the roomies put it in and we watched it this morning. I'd forgotten most of it, and was again startled by the weirdness of watching a Pre-Insane Tom Cruise. And he's so *cute* in it. *le sigh*
It's most likely very American of me, but I still prefer the Tangerine Dream score. I want all the extra dialogue and the alternate ending from the Director's Cut, but I still think that music's awesome. The Jerry Goldsmith score would be like watching Dune (1984) without that grandiose Toto theme. It's just. . . wrong.
Anyway, picspam! cos I want to share the Pre-Unhinged Pretty:
Ooh, Glittery!
Yeah, I have no problem seeing Lestat in that one below:
Look for some updates later today and tomorrow! See ya later!