Torch SongCharacters/Pairing: Sam and Dean, gen, mentions of Dean/various bar hookups
Rating: R for language, sexual situations, and violence
Warnings: Violence toward children. Dean finds some messed-up sex. Not a particularly happy tale.
Word Count: 19,199
Disclaimer: All the witty disclaimers are already taken. Sam and Dean belong to Kripke & Co., not me.
Summary: Children are disappearing in Durango, Colorado. Dean starts to take the case a bit too personally. Set early second season, between “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things” and “Simon Said.”
This just. . . blew me away. I mean, I kinda-sorta-a-little-bit saw part of the ending coming, but no way did I get near it all. This is a dark story, pretty depressing, and long. Read it. It is incredible.