Not That Anyone Cares At This Point, But. . .

Dec 22, 2012 11:26

So, yes, I'm re-watching season one of White Collar in the mornings while I get my shit together, drink some caffeine, maybe nibble on something, start a load of laundry, wash some dishes, the usual. Hey, it's Saturday; I get to putter. Anyway, in today's episode, one of the bad guys is named Lau, which reminded me of course of The Dark Knight, which then led to me spending a good five minutes daydreaming of a White Collar/Nolan!Batman crossover, wherein Peter and Neal somehow wind up "helping out" (read: investigating) Wayne Enterprises, and the two figure out, well, Bruce. And maybe Neal and Bruce have some "fun," eventually deciding a relationship would be too weird cos they're really better as friends--with benefits. Huh? Anyone? Brucie flirting in a meeting with Neal? Batman saving Peter? Neal totally getting the idea of a long con, but maybe showing our traumatized anti-hero a little tenderness? Plus, now Bruce would have an FBI agent on his side, in addition to another gorgeous brunette thief. There'd be a joke in there from Alfred about Master Wayne having a definite type. Yes?


I really need an in-house fandom friend. I would love just flailing about this kind of crap while said friend drank free coffee and ate free, homemade muffins (which I just made, mmmm). Instead, you guys get to hear about it, minus the voices. Yes, I do voices. The Batman, I have been told, is particularly amusing. :)

Happy holidays, everyone! Stay safe on the roads and warm in the bed(s)! XD

white collar, batman

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