Oh, Garrett, honey, why?!

Sep 03, 2012 02:36

Taken with a grain of salt, but it sounds pretty accurate: Garrett Hedlund was offered and turned down the roles of both Captain America and Finnick Odair. The Cap one I'm pretty sure of; the Finnick one is plausible because he auditioned for it.

*sigh* Not that I can imagine anyone else now but Chris Evans as Cap, and I wish Clafin the best as Finnick, but. . . Garrett! You silly man! Gah! Truly, I feel it's a miracle he was even in TRON, and I love Kerouac's On the Road as much as the next liberal book nerd, and you've got to respect Hedlund for his determination and sticking to his guns, but, man, I just really hope this doesn't bite him in the ass. Cap and Finnick are two big, juicy roles that don't come around that often. And On the Road hasn't received the best of reviews. . .

Oh, well, I'm just a simple fangirl. What do I know?

garrett hedlund is ridiculous, captain america, the hunger games, on the road

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