. . . reading (fanfic):
Bond by
Anna Fugazzi, a HP H/D fic of surprising quality. . . considering it's on fanfic.net;
Grail by
Minisinoo, X-Men movieverse story set post-X2. This is the second time I'm reading it and it is, if possible, an even better experience this time round. Amaaaaaazing novel!
. . . reading (book): Lindqvist's Let the Right One In. I own the film based on the novel, but felt compelled to seek out the source. Most original "vampire story" I've come across in. . . a really long time. Take that, Twilight!
. . . writing (fanfic): Clouds Up - Six. Going well. Should be out sometime in the next couple days. I've also got a start (four whole paragraphs!) on lucky number 13 of Lost Souls. That one'll take a bit longer since I have to go "refresh" myself on the story, it's been so long. Yikes. But. . . progress.
. . . writing (RL): Nothing! Semester just started, so no papers yet. Yee-haw!
. . . watching (TV): I bought the complete series of Kings on DVD (*sniffle*), so I'm working my way through that. Southland is being re-aired on TNT, starting last night, and there's a mini-marathon of Leverage eps before the new one tonight. We get two new eps of Fringe this week, as well as The Mentalist starting up again. I plan to watch the Pilot for Human Target (if mostly due to the fact it's Mark Valley and that man is geeeeeorgeous!) Sunday night.
. . . watching (movie): Indulged and reveled in Stranger Than Fiction yesterday, which I think is severely underrated. I bought In Bruges, so I'll probably try and get to that this weekend.
. . . watching (film): Went to Sherlock Holmes the other night with one of the roommates. Amazing! I've read some negative reviews, but I loved. . . like, everything about it. Seriously. But it's a reboot. There's bound to be a lot of angry fanboys and girls out there. There always is when a film's an adaptation rather than an original. Get over it, people. I have now seen Avatar three times. I doubt I'll get to, but I'd still love to go back again. That's one film that just needs to be seen in the cinema!
. . . listening to (music): IAMX's most recent album, which I didn't realize Corner had come out with until last week. Yikes, where have I been? (Don't answer that.)
. . . feeling (physically): I have the cold from Hell. This sucks, as I'm all congested so my words are coming out all slurred and. . . thick. Disgusting. On the other hand, my voice is really deep and kinda cool, and I'd totally be into that if it weren't also accompanied by sore eyes, scratchy throat, headaches, and the inability to breathe properly. Yuck.
. . . feeling (emotionally): I'm focusing on school right now, and fic, and my online "red" persona. All my stuff from her apartment is mine again. My housemate and I went and retrieved it the day before I left to come back here to my apartment. I deleted her numbers from my phone, but for some reason can't manage the same for her email. I keep checking my Inbox, almost compulsively, and I figured out today it's because I'm looking for something from her. Closure probably, but fat chance of that!
Hope someone else does this. I feel like a fool every time I do these silly memes and no one else does!