Mar 04, 2006 12:51
last night felt kind of like a time-warp but it was really nice. i hung out with a girl i dated in middle school, but haven't really spoken to since (my first love, first kiss, etc.). we had a couple glasses of wine, and then went through a box of old notes. some of them were from me and they were so flowery and dramatic. it was cracking me up. they would be like "hey honeybun. i love you. it was so great holding your hand last night. i will love you forever. i can't wait till im ungrounded from the phone because i feel like i'm going to die not hearing your voice. well ... w/b. i miss you."
in 7th grade, me and her got detention for kissing in the bleachers during gym. hilarious. and she still has the detention slip. on it, scribbled in a teacher's quick handwriting, it says simply: "making out during gym."
i love nostalgia, re-hashing old memories, etc. especially with people i haven't spoken to in ages. we talked for a good four hours straight without any intermissions. most people that know me know i live for memories, so it was good times.
when i got home, i had a terrible headache because drinking wine sometimes does that to me. i unded up passing out at about midnight watching bad TV. yeah, i think that's the earliest i've gone to bed on a friday night in a lonnngg time.