(no subject)

Sep 29, 2009 18:54

i joined a women's field hockey team -- the team i'm on is the foxies -- and, in my very first game, managed to sprain my medial gastrocnemius. trying desperately to keep up with the woman i was defending, i was both switching direction and pushing off hard in an attempt at a burst of speed. (hah! i'm so not in shape for quick turns and short bursts of speed.) and that's when i heard the pop! and felt the pain. of course, i continued to play on it, even though i could only hobble-run. lol. stupid. still, i actually made some good defensive plays to keep the ball away from/out of our goal, and got some positive feedback from my new teammates, which was smile-making.

now it's two days later and i can almost walk normally, but my calf is definitely tender and still a bit swollen. i'm pretty sure i won't be playing next weekend, which makes me sad because it was a ton of fun, even when i was getting my ass kicked by better, faster, more experienced players. hopefully i'll be recovered (enough) to play in two weeks...i really need to find the balance between getting back quickly and not re-injuring myself into chronicity.

oh! also, i had an awesome massage yesterday morning from jean at fremont professional massage which i'm sure helped reduce the swelling and increase my flexibility and mobility today. i see her again on friday...i want this healed as soon as possible!

massage, field hockey, exercise, sports, health

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