christmas break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 19, 2005 11:26

christmas break!!!! FINALLY!!! no more school till like january 5th!!! YUUSSSSS.. on christmas morning we r openin presents at my house then my grandmother and my aunts and cousins r comin over around 12 for christmas lunch!! yUUMMMYY!! and then later that day around 4 we r goin to a christmas party!!!!! well later on that week i duno wat day but we r goin to my other grandmothers house at the lake and stayin there for a couple of days for new years and for christmas! its gonna be loads of fun! lol well thas wat im doin this break. nothin really that special. wats everyone else doin.

*if u could describe me in ONE word wat would it be and why?*

♥ kimmieMoose

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