Jul 14, 2005 00:58

God I hate being me sometimes. It really sucks ass. Everybodys got their boyfriends/husbands and girlfriends/wives. And me. Nope. Im stuck here all alone. Because of that bitch. She's gonna fuckin regret it. I had a dream the other night that she showed up at my job and was likw "where's eric" and I told her "first, lose the attitude. second, whats it matter" and she said "just tell me where he is. i need to talk to him" and I just looked at her and tightened my fist. Andrew & Robert noticed that I was pissed. So they come over to me and are trying to talk to me. And I just stared at her and she turned to walk away and Im like "where do you think you're going" and she didnt say anything. So I said "fuck you then bitch. he doesnt want nothing to do with your ass." And she turned around and said "well if you hadnt shown up hed be with me and have his daughter. its your fault he doesnt see her" Then before Andrew & Robert could stop me I knocked the shit outta her and walked off. The guys came after me laughing and said "damn. you broke her jaw. its sticking out the right side of her head" And then I looked at my hand and it was black & blue already and my knuckles were bleeding. They asked me if it hurt and said "i dunno. im so pissed I cant feel anything" Then I woke up. Im in the mood to beat the shit outta something or someone. I wanna fuckin get drunk. Im sssoooo fuckin aggrivated right now. Its pathetic. Well Im gonna try to go to sleep. Peace.
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