Oct 30, 2012 21:17
I am doing well after Sandy. I only had a couple quick loss of powers. This was much better than the 36 hours during Irene. The new lines and tree trimming have worked wonders this time. Aberdeen seemed to have less power outages than usual. I have lost two days at work because of no trains, but work will hopefully not be super stupid tomorrow and Thursday. I doubt it though with end of month madness hitting all at once. I've got a chance to watch some Book of Bantorra (a series that is crazy, dark and seinen all in 24:30) along with a beautiful opening song by Ali Project.
Next week is Anime USA and this year I am a Director of a department for the first time since 2006. It has been a challenge, but different than last year and very different than 2006. I haven't had that moment where I'm stressed to the point of needing a break, yet. This led to someone who I use as my sounding board (not someone who attends it) ask me why I keep doing it. That is a question I've asked at points this year. The best answers I can say is that it's a convention that wants to do better. All cons want to do better than the last year. This con really wants to do that. They want to bring more variety to things and try not to be the same old convention. Two examples of this is the Carnivale Cabaret this year, which fits our theme this year of Carnivale Fantasie (think the world of Kaleidostar) and bringing in an educational guest.
The other answer is that It is home con for me. For many, their hometown con is their home con. It is where the local fannish friends are. For me, Otakon is such a large convention you meet your local friends at places like the Diamond tavern or Little Italy to meet and chill. At Anime USA, I look forward to at least saying hi to my fannish friends and helping them make an awesome event happen. The Sunday night event is that place I hang out and talk. Just catching up on the weekend. Celebrating the end of my con year.
Won't be online much past now with work taking over the next three days and Anime USA making for a full weekend. I hope to see everyone out on the other side of this long, but awesome week and half ahead.
anime usa