Jan 31, 2012 12:41
Alright, yesterday I went to PT, worked out my back quite a bit. Realized how weak it is after not doing much with it for the past few years. Turned in most of my gear from Afghanistan. Then off to the warrior clinic about my profile. Talked to Gary, the civilian head nurse. He was extremely helpful. I couldn't believe it! He wrote my profile for me, even called MSG Fast to make sure there was nothing on my profile that would keep me from a reclass or staying in the Army. I don't think I've ever had that much help in the military before. Thanks to you Gary! Now just waiting for it to be approved. Should be done by Friday but if not then Monday. Last one took 5 days to be approved. After that it's off to find a MOS and duty station! Can't wait to know where we're going and when so we can start our moving plan. It's a lot more difficult with Anya going in to high school about the same time we will be moving.
Today we went to the commissary. Maple and I had a fight about lil T (need to change name) and money. She thinks I don't care but she couldn't be more wrong. I'm trying to do and pay everything at once and there's just not enough money to do that. Somehow I got to figure this out soon. Seems like everytime I think we're going to be good something comes up and there goes the money. All I ever here is we need, I need, kids need. Not that I don't spend money I shouldn't but you know. Anyway, trying to figure this out and being blamed directly or indirectly all the time does not help. Just gets me upset and makes me lose my temper. Posted about that just last night.
Things are ok now though. We love each other and our fights are pretty short these days. I reckon one day we'll slim down the fightin to only a minute or two. Would be nice at least. Right now they're about 4-5 mins for big ones. Not too bad I guess. But being honest about how you're feeling is not something that has got much better round here. Saying i'm fine when you're not only makes things worse. I guess some people just don't understand that.
That'll do it for now. Done with my Insanity workout and time to get lunch.
lil t