Nov 19, 2006 05:20
i am glad auburn won for the only reason that my dad would have been pissed the whole day if they hadnt however, allow me to make an observation. If Auburn had lost, they would have not made excuses...they wouldn't have claimed the refs screwed them...i know this because i have seem Auburn lose and basically, the feeling is "we just got beat." And off the subject...Auburn...your defense sucked harder than a three nickel hooker on the corner of Suckiness Blvd. and Cumswap Ln. your defensive coach...and teach your offensive coach how to run the ball more.
OK, lets look at a bama loss...allow me to quote..."Thats bullshit! If that call hadnt been made we would have scored those three touchdowns!" This was not in reference to the Auburn game, but see the logic there? So please, bama fans to whom this applies too (not all of you are bad about this). Please just admit that right now, your team is not good at all. Yes, they were great, but stop living off a dead Bear like some fly larva. For once, i would love to hear an alabama fan say "We just got beat, plain and simple. We gave it our best and got beat." Because you have nothing to be ashamed about. Alabama had a great game, but it just wasnt enough. Your offense showed up and took advantage of a weak Auburn defense, the problem was Auburn's offense. Hardly anyone has been able to stop their run, and whoever did beat them (Arkansas for example)
***END RANT***
So like...Wii comes out tomorrow. I work tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be sold out by the time i get there because i really dont feel like dealing with more irate customers who think they deserve one because their kid has cancer and is about to die...god, go get some chemo. I'm thinking about buying a 360...maybe...anyone have one that reads this that could offer any suggestions there?
Cloud could so kick Link's butt. Granted, both are very skilled in swordsmanship, but come on, Link could not withstand the constant onslaught that defeated the Great Sephiroth. This is a fight i would love to see (im thinking of Super Smash Bros. Melee Link vs. Advent Children Cloud) Now, in a street fight, Link has Navi and Zelda/Sheik that could help..but CLoud has a lot more friends...with guns...yeah. Ok, lets take a look at magic, the one area Link may have the advantage...MAY. You have whatever spells he got in Ocarina of Time (they escape me) plus the Ocarina itself (battle purposes?? not sure) Cloud of course would have whatever materia he would have attached to his armor and sword (if he's smart he's got Knights of the Round and Final Attack-Phoenix). For long range attacks, Link clearly has the advantage, but blocking an incoming arrow of light or a bomb would be nothing for CLoud. I see this battle lasting a very long time with Cloud coming out on top...(feels like such a dork) Once i see twilight princess i will re-judge Link's badassness (because both Cloud and Link and clearly badasses). OOOH How about Link and Cloud vs. Ganondork (yes, i meant to spell it like that) and Sephiroth!! Talk about cool ass...bah...i go to download.