In order for Pana, who for some reason friended me back, to get her click's worth, I am actually posting to my LJ. It's a meme. Memes spread like viruses, which means if you don't click the button and then post this on your own LJ, you're not really sick.
redmountainmine's Halloween party:
1behindblueeyes dressed as your aunt.
_x_uponmyheart dressed as Dr. Crusher from "Star Trek".
celticaurora dressed as the Lord of UpperCity.
christinue dressed as Hurricane Pauline.
corruptviridian dressed as a linebacker for the Ravens.
creeping_ivy dressed as something dead, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
dontsayroscoe dressed as a green ghost, though it looked more like a fullback for the Giants.
eilonwy dressed as Optimus Prime.
eldereft dressed as Salma Hayek, and it suited them all too well.
gratzu dressed as a lethargic lobster.
lynni83 dressed as a goblin.
manifestodream dressed as a bottle of Exceleline.
meatmarket dressed as a cup of tea.
mia_stardust dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Janis.
mistersleepless dressed as a assistant information technology superintendent.
obsessivelibra dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Squeezit Picklehumperdinck".
pana dressed as Mariah Carey riding a badger.
queendork dressed as a choice.
redmountainmine dressed as the Lace Power Ranger, and it suited them disturbingly well.
shadowedembrace dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh.
silverlue dressed as a third baseman for the Rockies.
stphjay dressed as a moose.
theycallmefro didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
umbrieus dressed as someone called "Wilson Louhr", but you've never heard of them before.
vexxarr dressed as Prince's grandfather.
warren_ellis dressed as the love child of Jesus and Halle Berry.
wgoddess17 dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Cloak of the Blame.
wired_hellcat dressed as a Mahoney.Net employee.
Throw your own party at the
Created with
phpNonsense Notes on this pathetic meme: is an identity theft site, as I read it.
Warren Ellis already is the love child of Halle Berry and Jesus.
The guy's name is Yugi.
When I turn into the Lace Power Ranger, I do it by waving my fists in the air and inserting bad special effects during the editing.
Mariah Carey gave up badger riding when she went secular.