Jan 04, 2010 12:08
First of all "Happy New Year" to you all. I see a few people have given a few things up like Ciggys or putting them on diets and joining the gyms.
Todays My birthday and im 29 years of age. Never do a great deal on my birthdays due to it being so close after Christmas and New Year. Again this would be the first Birthday without my Dad...but im ok with it now, I was a bit depressed a few days ago thinking about this. I haven't any set plans for the new years but I do have a few goals to reach.
1. Get a job
2. Learn to drive
3. See more of my friends
4. Get a boyfriend (threw that in for good measure)
5. Go to Canada and Usa
6. Get laid more oftern (*shrugs* what the hell)
7. The classic...be more active and healthy