Hello, welcome to Red Moon Media, rika/
redmoonmurder's repository for icons, resources and others. You're seeing this post because this is where you'll find general instructions about the things you will find here. Oh, and feel free to watch this journal.
General Rules
1. Say when you're taking something, and say which one.
2. Always credit
redmoonmedia or
redmoonmurder when you're taking her icons.
3. Upload the icons to your own server. Hotlinking is evil.
4. Say thank you.
5. Regarding resources: tell me when you use them and where. I'd very much like to see them used.
6. Regarding other types of media: just.. well, say thank you.
7. No stealing. I will kill you if you do.
General Credits
wonderland__teh_indyjeweledicecreamiconismsgender_blissecandiiesmagdalenaiconsicon_texturesicon_extrasiconistas100x100brushesveredgf@dAAetherealityHybrid GenesisMiss M Affiliated to
abcd_iconspucchi_love ++not finished putting everything up in the credits yet 8D still digging them all up