Aug 19, 2005 05:28
The Basics___
01. Full Name: Jessica Sharee Carter (Call me Flix, Sayo, or Jess/Jessi/Jessica otherwise I'll break your face. And yes, I can do that.)
02. Your Nick Names: Jessabob, Sayo, Flix, Flixy, Lady Raven, Runt (Only Serenity calls me this.)
03. Birthday: Marching 9th, 1991
04. Place of Birth: Green Valley hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada
05. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
06. Male or Female: Female, last time I was told.
08. School: Anchor Bay Highschool! w00t
09. Occupation: Highschool student, Proud Marching Band freak, Band geek, Roleplayer, Author.
10. Residence: My head.. *Pokes head proudly*
11. Screen Name: For what? O-o
___Your Appearence___
12. Hair Color: It WAS brown once.. Then I dyed it orange-ish. Purple is next to come.
13. Hair Long or Short?: Short. I hate my hair long.
14. Eye Color: Mood ring eyes! They are brown, but sometimes there is green on the rim of my irises, and it changes colors.
16. Height: 5'7.
20. Glasses?: I need them, but don't have them.
21. Piercings: One in each ear, hoping for more.
22. Tattoos: Not yet
23. Righty or Lefty: Left, and DAMN proud!
___Your 'Firsts'___
24. First Kiss: Dennis.. I was in the first grade.
25. First B.F/ G.F: Uhh.. O-o I don't remember. NEXT!
26. First best friend(s): Rebecca Carney
27. First Award: I got a trophy in bowling before.. then I threw out my wrist.
28. First Sport You Joined: Does Marching Band qualify?
29. First pet: Smokey and Grunt. I miss them!
30. First Vacation: Las Vegas, to see my ex father. Yes, ex father. I disowned him.
31. First Concert: School concerts don't count, do they?
32. First Love: Kyle, and I STILL love him!
___ Favorites___
33. Movie: Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Harry Potter movies, Lord of the Rings movies
34. TV Show: Trigun, Samurai Champloo, InuYasha, and Viva La Bam
35. Color: Grey, White, Red, and Black
36. Band: HIM, and our Highschool MARCHING BAND!
37. Song: Beautiful by HIM
40. Candy: Not much of a candy person, actually.
41. Sport To Play: Marching Band is now officially a sport.
42. Fav sport To Watch: I detest watching sports.
43. Brand Of Clothing: I don't really own BRAND clothing, sadly. If it fits and I like it, I buy it.
44. Store: SALVATION ARMY! That, and hot topic.
45. School Subject: Marching Band, Band, and English.
46. Animal: Wolf.
47. Book: Fruits Basket series, and yes, they are books.
48. Magazine: i don't read, so much as touch magazines unless I'm cutting out pictures to mock.
49. Eating: Nothing, though I want an apple for some reason.
50. Drinking: Nothing.
52. Online?: No, I'm typing this up with my mind! YES I'M ONLINE YOU FRUIT!
53. Listening To: Random noises from my TV in my room, since I forgot to shut it off. I just got up randomly in the night and got on here.
54. Thinking About: My foot's asleep... I wish Lina would get on. I have a good idea for our roleplay.
55. Wanting To: some things may not be suitable for shallow minded people, or normal people in general.
56. Watching: The computer screen, seeing as I'M TYPING AND ALL!
57. Wearing: Snowman boxers and a grey tanktop.
___Your Future___
58. Want Kids?: Depends... Can I kill the bastards if they piss me off? u-u Kidding, kidding. Yes, I want kids.
59. Want to Get Married?: To Kyle? Yes. To anyone sane? No, not really.
60. Careers in Mind: Author, maybe someone who works in the psyche ward. I can relate to the people in there.
___Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___
67. Cute or Sexy: Handsome.
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes.
69. Hugs or Kisses: Depends..
70. Short or Tall: Taller, but not a whole lot.
71. Easygoing or serious: In between.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both.. Put Psycho in there too.
73. Fatty or Skinny: ...Weight doesn't really MATTER.
74. Sensitive or Loud: A bit of both.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship. Anyone considering a one night stand with me better watch their back.
76. Sweet or Caring: booooth. I'm a sucker for cute stuff.
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Trouble makers rock.
___Have You Ever___
78. Kissed a Stranger: Nooo... The nice man said I wasn't allowed to talk to strangers..
79. Drunk Alcohol: I tasted a beer once. Horrible shit.. I was only 3.
80. Smoked: Hell no.
81. Ran Away From Home: I almost got out the door once.
82. Broken a Bone: Not yet.
83. Got an X-ray: When I fractured my thumb when I was 3
84. Broken Someones Heart: Not that I'm aware of.
85. Broke Up With Someone: Yes.
86. Turned Someone Down: Yes.
87. Cried When Someone Died: only over movies.. Yeah, reality doesn't really touch my heart.
88. Cried At School: Yes.. When I was like... 9
___Do You Believe In___
89. God: Plural... Gods AND Goddessess
90. Miracles: Kinda..
91. Love At First Sight: No
92. Ghosts: Maybe too much for my sanity.
93. Aliens: Yes.. They're out there.
94. Soul Mates: Yes.
95. Heaven: No. Reincarnation.
96. Hell: Nope. No hell, no Satan.
98. Kissing on The First Date: Depends on how well I know them.