May 27, 2010 16:26
Yesterday was my first university-level dissection. It was a little more structured than the dissections in highschool (essentially hacking up a fish and a rat). On the slab this time around was a dogfish. We had to peel off it's skin and cartilage around the eye and over the top of its head with a scalpal and scissors without damaging the eyeball, brain and nervous system. I had no idea how tough its skin would be (it would be way easier to skin a human). Then we had to draw it all and name a few things. Work out what did what and where it went sort of thing. I detest biological drawing. I can't draw for crap. After we were done we could flip it over and go for gold. So I did. And it was AWESOME.
I think I get all excited about this sort of thing because one of my ultimate dreams jobs was as a coroner/pathologist. I've always wanted the opportunity to cut open a dead human body. It would just be so awesome to have a poke around in there!