2009 Goals

Jan 02, 2009 12:38

Be less critical of others (especially my husband).

Learn to play my banjo at a beginner level (goal: 2 songs, able to do rhythm accompaniment to guitar)

Lose 30 lbs by my 30th birthday.
Complete Couch to 5K program.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
Do 10 push-ups most days of the week.
Find a yoga class I like and attend class once a week.

Eat out no more than once a week.
Eat more vegetables (goal: 4 servings per day). Potatoes do not count.

Unpack all boxes in my house (except for seasonal clothes and decorations).
Give away all unwanted and unused items.

Consider all purchases more thoughtfully (especially clothes).

Spend more time with my grandparents.

Re-open Blue Swallow Handmade.

Check in monthly on all goals to assess progress.


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