Jan 23, 2008 17:15
Hunter wanted someone to watch her Stickam thing last night, and being the great friend I am, I said "Well, alright." We were just messing around and chatting when a fellow by the name of 'thehomohunter' graced us with his enigmatic presence. He aimed the camera at his zebra-patterned speedos and proceeded to get a semi whilst rubbing himself on camera for us. When I told him to 'hit himself in it', he left. I fear we will never know what drives this creature. Thehomohunter, if you are reading this, come back. We have so much to ask you!
Then we convinced some lurkers that I was Bigfoot. Apparently I do have a webcam, guys. Except for it looks way blurrier than '70s stock footage of Bigfoot. It's awesome. It's Big Foot cam. I gave some epic speeches while in character. "These stereotypes have to stop. No one ever talks about how I work at a bank to support my family!"
Annnnyway. I might be getting a job soon. I probably won't, but eh. The chick who did my hair for the X-mas party last month needs a babysitter for her son, and so I volunteered selflessly. I'm such a giver. If I don't get this job, we will refer back to that last of jobs I made a while ago, or I'll just go apply at the factories around here. Because assembling shit all night long makes me tingly in my panties.
Also, I've learned that when you don't check your e-mail in a month, you have a lot of e-mails waiting for you. It makes you feel warm and happy.
the lolz,
the lulz,