Apr 05, 2010 16:58
what a day today! Monday? yes yes, i know.
AND! her face getting more and i mean MORE disgusting! yuckz, wanna cover it with my dogs' poop!
geez, what a day today. you find out that your BELOVED friend badmouthed you so bad behind you, your DEAREST friend just influence the other to...hate me?
how is it, to be friend with a LIAR, a playgirl (who wouldn't ever admit it by herself), a two-faces person and lastly a...traitor!!!
geez, i really regret to ever meet and know you in the first place. i thought it was just fine to be friend with someone like you. my first impression toward you was innocent, yeah something like that. but well, i'm wrong, definitely WRONG!
i though you could gave me a real meaning of friendship. but all i got from you was how-to-be-a-b*tch-like-them lesson. yeah, you always manage to make fun and badmouth people all around you., AND you always say that they all are a b*itch! what about you, ANGEL?
damn you! i HATE you for real! i pray for you that you'll hardly find a true happiness in this world!