Dec 15, 2006 01:11
1) Drinking buddy of the year?
Simz, that guy is a hardcore drinker like me so we don't get drunk easily/ ;-D
2) Lifetime service award - Longest friend?
My 2 neighbours; Mo and Shafiq
3) High Point of the year?
Finally had a FULL TIME JOB
4) Low point of the year?
Had a biggest row with my colleague during work and I havn't been this angry for a very long time
5) Best holiday?
Didn't go anywhere this year. V_V
6) Anthem for 2006?
7) Any regrets?
Involving myself into people's relationship even though they asked for my help but I should have said no; not because it went bad, just that it gets really annoying afterwards 'cause I have to keep everyone's secrets, which was a headache.
8) Best Night out?
New Years Eve night out at Hombres, Aquarium at Old Street, Club49 (new Saks) in Soho, Revolution (Me and Simz's secret bar with the BEST and CHEAPEST vodka you could ever find in London and It's hidden).
9) Worst Night out?
Never been to a night out when it was bad for me but it was for everyone else. I was like the only one comming out with a smile on my face while others had problems, which doesn't involve me. lol
10) Drink of 2006?
MUD SLIDE (at Revolution)
11) First Gig of the year?
Not been to any this year
14) Last gig of the year?
Not been to any this year
15) Best gig of the year?
Not been to any this year
16) Game of the year?
Loads man but so hard to choose. DragonballZ, Jump Ultimate Stars, Pokemon, YuGiOh GX, Digimon, Phoenix Wright 2 etc
17) Most embarrassing moment?
I really don't want to say this one but I guess I have to.
It was crowded on the train and I was just listening to my MP3 player. When you listen to music, you tend to ignore whats around you and you're just in your own world, but then I accidently let it "rip" (wasn't that loud) and my face was bloody red.
18) Movie of the year?
Havn't watch that many films but I did like Borat. lmao
19) Book of the year?
I don't read books.
20) Food of the year?
You have got to love that chicken wings at Sports Cafe. 50 chicken wings for only £5 with 18 different flavours; now how hardcore is that? (Every Thursday btw).
21)Funniest person of the year?
Simz, MO, Sam H and Darren when I am with him. XD