This Makes Me Angry

Feb 18, 2008 22:04

I can't believe that people protest at peoples' funeral.

What I can't believe more is that they're going to be doing so at Brianna's. You all know who I'm talking about if you're in the Reno/Sparks area, if not, here's some information of what's being going on in our normally relatively nice city:
KOLO ABC Channel 8
KTVN CBS Channel 2
KRNV NBC Channel 4

This is what's been hitting our community hard since January. Very hard. In a nutshell, for those of you too lazy to click on the links or wondering if they're a new MySpace virus: A young, 19-year-old girl - home from college on break - was abducted from her friend's house, where she was laying on the damn couch, for crying out loud. People were all over the place trying to find her, trying to get clues, trying to solve the whole ordeal. And people still are, even after her body was found.

You can't walk into local businesses without seeing her posters and volunteer information. Before she was found, "Bring Bri Back" was a very common title for informational papers on windows, and for signs that were posted on empty corners or in busy areas. It's been a very large, very hard, very HORRIBLE thing.. and I don't know anyone that hasn't been touched by this in some way or form.

Keep in mind, I say this place is "relatively nice" because I'm not denying Reno has its fair share of crime, violence, bad guys, dirty crap, etc. It does. But it's not like Vegas, or San Francisco (a city I love so much, sadly enough), or even Phoenix where more rapes and things seemed to pop up on the news more often.

With that said, I can't believe Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing Brianna Denison's funeral.

It pisses me off already that they stand around dead soldiers' funerals. I believe in "free speech" and all of that jazz as much as the next person, and believe me I don't necessarily agree with war or the way things have gone down with Iraq, BUT I DON'T THINK IT'S OKAY TO PICKET AT SOMEONE'S FUNERAL.

Let alone a girl that was abducted by a murdering rapist (who quite frankly should be shot in the crotch and left to bleed).

Have some respect for the dead. Have some respect for peoples' families.. the people that mourn over this. I don't even know this girl or her family, or to my knowledge anyone that was wonderful friends with her or anything - and I'm still affected by what's happened, to the point of wanting to cry for the poor girl when I think about it hardly enough.

I just can't believe people have the audacity to picket funerals. Go protest and shake your signs at political events, whatever else you want. BUT A FUNERAL?

For as evil as they're claiming Reno is, and our corrupt cops, I hope they get what they deserve after they pass away for this. And by "what they deserve", I strongly believe it's not some religiously righteous act where God will pat them on the head and say, "Gee, thanks for waving your signs around about fags, soldiers, and that poor rape/murder victim in Reno, NV. Man, the way she was nabbed from her friend's house and no one knew where she was for a month? Yeah, she deserved it, that horrible child of sin."

I hope these people get punched in their faces.

public, anger

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