So, my browser is getting full again and I feel like clearing out the backlog. Prepare yourselves for a linkpost! Also, I'll try to arrange links by progressive nerdiness or some such.
NOTE: I've been terrible at keeping up with
other people's blogs. If you're a friend of mine and I haven't read/commented in a while, I'm sincerely sorry. I'll be trying to catch up soon. Also, if you haven't heard about the underground sensation tearing up comedy clubs everywhere,
his name is Justin Morgan and I'd keep your eyes peeled for him.
I've been hearing about a few albums that might be good and that I should check out as a consequence. They follow:
Doves - Kingdom of Rust
White Rabbits - It's Frightening
Night Control - Death Control
Danger Mouse and SparkleHorse - Dark Night of the Soul
It's occurred to me recently that I really kind of need a phone and I'm ready to take the fancy smartphone leap. I did a quick survey of the competition yesterday and narrowed my choices down to 4 models, none of which are released yet and one of which isn't even official. Don't ask me about all that. I'm sure we'll discuss this later. Here they are:
Palm Pre,
Samsung I7500,
Nokia N97, and the
Nokia N900 (because Rover is a very stupid name for a phone). Hopefully some official word about the N900 will break soon.
Okay, so there's an awesome site about
Literate Programs here. If you're looking for some code to read it's probably not a bad place to start.
There was recently a great discussion on proggit about
most used emacs commands. That's some handy stuff to keep track of. Between that and the emacs-fu blog I referenced two posts back I'll be learning a good while.
Considering that it's old news, there's still a fair amount of
hollering about MIT switching from Scheme and SICP to Python and
continuing debate on the value of SICP. Indeed, it's not the holy bible and grauenwolf is getting a too many downvotes. He makes a number of very good points. I haven't taken time to read through the whole thread (should I?) but psnively seems to have the right idea to me, as usual.
O'Reilly Radar put up a pretty good article on the things HTML5 will enable and the resulting
scramble to the finish by a lot of big players.
There was a good discussion on the Haskell reddit about
making -Wall the default for GHC, I chimed in because there didn't seem to be enough discussion to suit my tastes and though I'm an idiot I'd at least learn something. Learn I did and I'm wondering if
this bug is one of those referenced in response to my comment.
Other random Haskell stuff:
Recommendations to learn monads after functors, monoids, etc from Conal Elliott, a
curious DSL from Sir Kiselyov, a
neat package of adaptive datatypes from Dons, an
interesting article on benchmarking EC2 with GHC compile times (which would be more relevant if I was trying to put off buying a computer or looking into working remotely) and some Haskell responding to Factor that
I wish I could read.
Three last things: I found this cool programming problems blog that offers small, fun puzzles like
Project Euler. It's called
Programming Praxis. There's a really neat paper that's over my head called
Types are Calling Conventions which makes a little sense but I wish it made more. And lastly, some thinking on the
productivity boost of Object Oriented Languages that harkened back to
some things Wren Thorton wrote and so on. Later!
Originally published at
Improved Means For Achieving Deteriorated Ends.