Aug 22, 2010 12:09

I went to a two day business seminar last week and it was AWESOME!!! I got so many great ideas on how to market my stuff and met some amazing people. Even better, a lot of folks were seeking me out (instead of me chasing them down) to get my card and talk me about providing services. (WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!)

For the first time in ages I went out for drinking and merriment on Friday night. It was a lot of fun and I need more of that in my life.

Additional great news in my life is my second car is alive!! It had previously sort of died and my mechanic was telling me it was going to be $3500 to fix it!!!!!!!! (Which is basically a new car.) So I hunted down a mechanic who performed a miracle for me a few years ago and he took my car for a few weeks... and found the ENGINE IS GOOD!!!!!!! In fact, the car works well and is in great shape. It appears it's the A/C pump that acts up and locks of the engine, which is avoidable. In the end, the car is good and the good man won't take any money from me since he kept my car for nearly a month. (I love this guy!!)

I think things are looking up.
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