Burning Hammer...

May 26, 2006 13:53

Burning Hammmer: A Argentine backbreaker-rack into a brain buster. The attacker begins the move by placing their victim backfirst across the attacker's own shoulder's, in what could be called a reverse firemen's carry. The attacker then places one arm ovre their victims neck and the other over the leg closest to the attacker's shoulder. The attacker now uses the hooked body parts of the victim, to shift the weight of the victim over towards the side of the attacker that is cradleing their head as the attacker simultaniously dropps down to their side, causing the victim to land head first into the mat with their own weight being used against them.
Notable Users: Kenta Kobashi, Mafia/Dan Maff
Variations of the Move: Cut Throat Suplex (Mark Briscoe), Psycho Driver III (Super Dragon), Spicey Drop (Curry Man)

I may have completely ruined my knee. I was running last night, and I managed to trip over my own foot, and slam my left knee into the ground hard. It was skinned, bruised and slightly swollen yesterday, and today it's even worse. I can barely walk without hearing a loud crack, worse than the one I usually hear when I just bend my knees. Just total bullshit. Couldn't even enjoy my Mini-GodZilla movie marathon on SciFi. The week just seems to have peeked for me, now all downhill. I know I had a dream, all I recall was me finding a mental patient, then walking her to her mother, and then being murdered. It was one of those dreams that you could swear was real, I could feel what I believe was a knife being slammed into me repeatedly, then the final gun shot, that I managed to not wake up from directly afterwards. I now recall a scene that took place in a store, in which the clerk gave me back more money that she was supposed to, and I left with my bag of goods and someone elses. heh.
Been a week without a drink, NEW RECORD, not really I don't think, but still, does feel like forever. Need to keep away from it, it wont do me any good. Still lost as to with what to do with self. Though of leaving to the land of Puroresu, but that'd be for nothing, just a huge expense, besides, I'm too attached to NYC to leave for anywhere else, at least I think it true. Might actually move back to brownsville by begining of next year tho, still in question. Looks like rain outside. I like having a cup of coffee and watching rain from within a door way, shall go do in a bit. I seem to never be able to focus on one thing, I realize this by looking at how scattered things are in my LJ, HUSS! Found a lovely and lengthy and rather thick log outside, and quickly brought it inside, then left to the hardware store and brought some TigerTwine. I went through the hole thing and even needed about half of another, but it came off good. So now, I have a good kicking post. My shins are still pretty bad looking, but that wont stop me from my idiocy, HUSS! Need and empty bucket tho, So I can set the base in cement, to keep it from falling.
Smoking takes years to (more than likely) die from some form of cancer or lung damage. Yet in the inner city, all you need to do is stand outside, and get caught by a stray bullet. I've noticed this doesn't happen as often as it use to, but the fact remains it still does, HAH.
I can feel a song comming on, >=D
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