It seems that the only thing I can think of worth posting is a screenshot from a video game (Medieval II Total War) I was playing over the long weekend. Under the lj-cut for those interested in funny, history games that completely surprise you.
A female bishop in my Venetian campaign! Brilliant!
And clicky for bigger picture.
In other, non exciting news, Python is such an easy language compared to C++ and I seriously miss my ; at the end of each line.
Re-watched "Rose" and "The End of the World" last night. Made me happy and I forgot how much I enjoyed Nine while he was around. Sigh.
Oh, and I had a three-day weekend and I have no bloody clue as to what I did that whole time except drink Monster and Mountain Dew. Sigh.
Now I'm back to work, class, and wanting to throw my head against the desk whenever my CS professor does something stupid. I seriously know more about computers than she does. Not kidding.
Oh! Has been a year since I started my job now and I totally forgot that today was the day. Wow. A whole year. Damn.
P.S.- Sorry for the mindless ramblings. I think it's bedtime now. Mm, yes, bed.
ETA: Biscuits and Tea are now my favorite meal ever. Especially when you've got the biscuits that, once dipped in the tea, completely melt in your mouth upon eating. Pleasant surprise when I had my tea this morning. Mmm, biscuits! Finally!