I know it isn't the most original way of explaining how my week went, but I'll use it as my crutch anyway: I don't know where my week, or my weekend went, but it's surely gone now.
Ok, I said it, now we can move on.
Since I've spent a lot of time tonight relying to messages/comments, I'm going to do a quick rundown of things coming up or the important parts of last week. Here goes!
- Good first week of work. No horrible errors (except the almost one on Friday afternoon when my mother called me. Bad mother!).
- Not bored at work yet. Big plus
- I've been incredibly fatigued his past week, probably something related to the illness I had two weeks ago. I would be exhausted, completely and utterly, every night around 1900. Not fun.
- With the aforementioned fatigue, I was barely able to blame any video games (the horror!). I made up for it these past two days with a couple hours of Jade Empire, Fallout 3, and Neverwinter Nights. Seriously, I was having withdrawls from gaming. It was horrible!
- Discovered, once again, the joys of working at a library: getting to the new books before anyone else does. I miss that. Took out two books already, a biography on Hadrian and the other on Greek homosexuality, and plan to get more.
- I did a good deed on Friday afternoon. When my mom called me up as my shift ended, she said that she has a patient who speaks primarily in Russian, but had a decent command of the English language, is seemingly intelligent, and is also very depressed. She asked if I could take out a few books in Russian for him to read (he was always translating) while he was staying in the psychiatry ward. I agreed, went upstairs into the PG section, and randomly picked out a few Russian texts (a novel, a book of poetry, and Dostoyevsky's The Idiot). I charged them out in my name, brought them over to the hospital, and gave them to my mom. She said he liked them and was excited to read Dostoyevsky (he hadn't read The Idiot yet). He even proceeded to tell her how you read Russian. Smile. It makes me feel good inside.
- I have two weddings in just as many weeks. This Saturday my step-mom is getting married while the next is reserved for my cousin. Yikes!
- I got my haircut again as it was getting rather long. It's now all short/sexy again and it's only once inch long!
- Pegasus, the broken hard drive, came back to me on Friday, good as new. I've got my music back and it sounds so amazingly good on my system. Happiness.
Can't think of anything else right now and it's getting late so I'm going to head into bed and read for a bit before calling it a night. I'll be back tomorrow to read some posts though. I'll get used to this new life of mine sometime soon...I promise!