Dragonborn or Arisen? Hard When So Many Dragons Are Around (aka The Vacation Post)

Jun 18, 2012 21:03

I'm honestly too tired to make heads or tails of anything I see beyond my computer screen -- which by itself is confusing with the dual-monitor setup I have -- but I wanted to update, and thank people, after my week-long vacation that turned straight into "Welcome back! NOW GET TO WORK" attitude today at work. I felt out of place, out of sorts, and completely at a loss for the going-ons with my co-workers. New co-worker is celebrating her anniversary? Wait! I learned last week she had a birthday and a boyfriend/partner she lived with...no, that was two weeks ago. Sigh.

Plus, going without sugar for the entire afternoon was just a bad idea that turned my afternoon into the slush-fest that is my current grey matter state. However, I am, apparently, able to still browse the PlayStation Network store before tomorrow's new dump of games. Heh.

So, before I idle any more, thank you to all the birthday wishes, gifts, and v-cards! They were all lovely and I enjoyed each one that came into my inbox that day. It certainly made my mostly private birthday that much less lonely and twice as wonderful. Thank you. My flist is an amazing group of people and I wouldn't trade you for anything. :)

Second, vacation was pretty good. I was off from 1630 on the 8th to this morning at 0800. It was wonderful and annoying in equal measure yet, all-in-all, I enjoyed myself. The first weekend up to my birthday on Tuesday was spent watching movies (X-Men was as ok as I thought it was the first time around; Thor gave a lot of background to The Avengers and made me even more confused regarding Loki; I enjoy the Hollywood Sherlock Holmes movies in a very different way than I enjoy the BBC series, with both having their merits; and Equilibrium is actually a pretty decent movie), playing video games (newest obsession: Dragon's Dogma. Getting your heart ripped out from your chest, which is in turn devoured by a dragon, only to have your character "Arise" the next morning? Yeah, awesome. :D), reading comic books (The Ultimates is a great Avengers universe two volume series that brought so much of the movie to me in my hands that is breath-taking. Some of those full-page spreads were absolutely amazing), and still using time to study up on my computer hardware certification exam. I've learned more about buses in the past week than I ever wanted to, particularly the expansion bus, the frontside bus, and the backside bus. Of course there's always the North- and Southbridges to consider and the motherboard, or the fact that every chapter I read I want to go back to the first series of Sherlock and rewrite any scenes of Sherlock saying that his brain was a hard drive. No, I'm still not over that and yes I will continue to complain. It helps me to remember which bus goes where and to which part of the computer. *shrug*

The actual going away part of my vacation was nice as well. I went to Ogunquit, Maine with my sister and mother for a long weekend. We stayed in a nice inn located a short walk from the ocean and, for the most part, got along. We did agree that family vacations are one of the things that can't happen much more in the future due to clashes in personality and work (my sister is a second-shift LNA), something that will make life easier in the future I'm sure. We had one real beach day -- where my sister got burnt rather humorously on her ass -- two shopping days (resulting in two pairs of Ralph Lauren Denim & Supply shorts so whenever I walk around in them I feel slightly conscious that I'm probably wearing my first real brand name piece of clothing...ever) , a play night (saw Always...Patsy Cline starring Sally Struthers; pretty awesome show regardless of the fact that I knew next-to-nothing about Patsy Cline), two spectacular lobster and steamers nights at a small lobster farm a short walk down Route 1, and a lot of just enjoying the simple things. Of course, at the time I wasn't enjoying those simple things except when I look back that's how I intend to view them.

Saw my dad for father's day, who wasn't looking too terrible, and finally got home with groceries in hand around 1600 on Sunday afternoon. Put everything away, dealt with a bug, mopped up my leaking fridge (again), and played Dragon's Dogma until bedtime. All-in-all, no complaints. I got the Boston Cream Pie Cake for my birthday, as I requested, and I had ample time to sink precious time into video games that I will never get back. There was also just the right amount of time off from work to appreciate what I had while still being able to get back into the swing of a routine when Monday came around. My first complete week off in the summer was a success.

Now, a quick mention of fandoms/shows I need to remember to watch this summer:

Sundays: Longmire (Katee Sackhoff, even with long hair, 'nuff said)
Mondays: Erm...I'm not sure right now.
Tuesday: Rizzoli & Isles.
Wednesday: So You Think You Can Dance. *happy sigh*
Thursday: Burn Notice
Friday: ...Video games?

Coming Soon: Political Animals (it's Sigourney Weaver, I must watch!) and maybe HBO's The Newsroom (Aaron Sorkin!!!) if I get around to switching from Showtime to HBO...or see if it's on iTunes.

Good splattering of shows, don't you think? In between all of that I still have older seasons of Burn Notice to watch, an X-Files run I was trying to work through, and of course a re-watch of The West Wing, damn fine show that it is. This will be a great summer, I can tell.

*looks at certification book* Oh yeah, next chapter is on Power Supplies. Gotta know my amps from watts and all of those rails. Yup.... *thinks of brighter, better future in IT industry four years from now* Right, to work.

P.S. - Oh yeah, and there was E3. That happened and I squeed like a little girl when I saw Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed: Liberation (on Vita!), The Last of Us, Beyond, Watch Dogs, and God of War: Ascension. Yeah...love this time of year.

P.P.S. - Did I miss something important while I was off vacationing? I feel slightly out-of-touch all of a sudden. :(

fandom: sherlock, comic books, fandom, sherlock holmes, tv shows, movies, video game: dragon's dogma, video games, certification, 2012, catch-up, vacation, computers, the avengers, birthday, random thoughts

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