Moffat says We're Doing it Wrong.
...or something to that effect.
Don't you remember all of the interview and tweets Moffat would put out saying that we had no fucking clue as to what was really going on with the Doctor, River, Amy, Rory, etc etc etc in Series 6? Remember how annoying they were, particularly when the ending made so little sense
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Even before ep3 of Sherlock aired I'd been making Tessellecta/Reichenbach jokes, but it took me a while to go the other way and realize that, gosh, I wonder where Moffat got the idea of the Doctor faking his death in front of his friends to lower his profile. Ugh.
I wonder where Moffat got the idea of the Doctor faking his death in front of his friends to lower his profile.
.... *headdesk* Can't think of any new, original, or exciting ideas that came after the 1890s, Moffat? Ugh.
I mean, th bullshit plots/failed "gotcha!" moments wouldn't bother me if I didn't feel he constantly sacrificed characterization/development in order to give me a "gotcha" moment that isn't even surprising.
Oh, my gosh. THIS! So MUCH this!
I kept hoping that she wouldn't be what I thought. I really wanted to be surprised. I wanted to love it. Instead we got exactly what we suspected. And if we say we don't like it, we get accused of "not getting it."
Such a romantic wedding, too. What girl wouldn't want that?
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