Back to the Grind

Jan 03, 2012 08:35

Alright, so my winter break is over. Sad as it may be, I need a bit of a wake-up call as-it-were to get myself back on track to wherever I'm going in this world. What better way to do than to get myself back into work?

What I've Done This Break:
  1. One and a half season of The West Wing. Two more discs going out today that need to be returned to Netflix for two more. :D Wish there was more fanfic to hold me over until I get the DVDs. *sigh*
  2. Finished the game Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and it blew my mind away. Not as much as the second one but we all know the second in a trilogy is the best (cue The Empire Strikes Back).
  3. Started to clean my house and do all the things I've been avoiding. Ok, I've started that by calling my father, even if I didn't get to talk to him, but it's the thought that counts. Right?
  4. I watched "The Waters of Mars" last night. Great way to start back up the work week. I think I feel a top five coming on for that episode.

And now I'm at work, which so far is a pleasant experience. I get to see my boss from after her surgery, I'm in a very warm room, and I have a nice cup of Earl Grey waiting for me. All in all, going back to work isn't so bad.

Give me three hours to change my mind. lol

video games, real life, work, fandom: the west wing

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