
Aug 07, 2011 21:05

Um...hello. *taps mike* Is this thing on?

Ah, hi. *waves* Sorry I haven't been around much, or checking in, but thank you to all those who took the time to make sure I was doing ok. It's always nice to get emails with hugs and words of concern. So thank you.

As for myself, I'm mostly back to normal speed. My meds are back to normal, I'm back to normal (so no incessant, always there anxiety attacks), but my brain is still starting to spin up again. I just figure that my brain was a tad sick for a while, which it was in a way, and it's taking its time in getting back to normal processing speed. Kinda like how it gets when I'm physically sick. Didn't help that this morning my mom and I took what was supposed to be a six mile bike ride along the bikepath, which instead was six miles one way, and now my ass and thighs hurt like crazy. For a while, sitting in my awesome chair was painful. Thus, no posting or writing. *sigh* It's been a long time, hasn't it?

I can't really tell you what's happened since I last posted. Things got fixed mentally, I worked on reinstalling video games to my computer, I took two hours out of my day yesterday to modify my GPU to fit with a new fan (reduced my idle temps by around 20 degrees C!), and watched more romantic, silly movies before moving on to the rather disturbing Black Swan. However, no matter how weird and strange Black Swan was, Natalie Portman was, well, damn hot in that film. Too bad all of the really hot scenes were mixed with the disturbing. Still, great movie and I'm amazed at how much Portman did to play that role. Plus, people on their toes like that bothers me.

Hrm, what else? Still singing to Dr. Horrible (no change there), and work was alright, even when I was having my problems last week (my boss even offered to let me take some sick time to take an afternoon off on Thursday; she's been a lot different since she came back from surgery). I cleared off my table so I can now sit and eat instead of eating at my computer, starting listening to "The Mutant Phase" (which has left my completely hooked half-way through), and it's...hot. Ugh, where's the rain?

I have a few thoughts on Torchwood, which I'll save for later, and one of my co-workers from downstairs is re-watching Series 2 of New Who, meaning I need to catch up on it quickly. I need to make sure I can spell (and pronounce) Raxacoricofallapatorius correctly, as we do have these types of humorous conversations. I'm so glad I have a rl buddy to joke about these things with at work. Still, he won't watch the specials and I'm about ready to kill him if he gets to the end of Series 4 and doesn't move on to the Specials. They are on Netflix now, after all!

Um...I'm not sure what else to say. I may have an idea for the TTU challenge this time around, even if it is vampires, but mostly because I want to make references to the Classic Who episode "State of Decay," the last canon appearance of vampires in Who history, and a decent episode overall. Sometimes it's fun flexing a few Classic Who muscles. ...They can be a tad weak though.

I'm also still refusing to watch "The Caves of Androzani." I might just start at the beginning with Five and watch it all over again. Because I can! So there!

I think that's about it, really. I may catch up with comments left on my posts, and I may not, as I always seem to say I will yet never do. I'll do my best though! Honest!

Alright, another weekend, another week to go. Sigh. I need another vacation.

ETA: Oh, this is a picture of what my GPU looked like all gutted. Isn't it pretty? *is geek*

fandom:doctor who, classic who, real life, torchwood: miracle day, movies

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