I love this picture. It somehow makes me happy.
I think I've become a Five fangirl. Ten and Five...how ironic. *rolls eyes*
Anyway, three important things for discussion today, at least at this point in my day.
First of all, if there's still some of you on my flist who do not have a Dreamwidth account and would like one, I was given ten more (yes, ten) invite codes today -- most likely because I now have a seed account, or a permanent account as LJ would call it -- so, if you'd like one, drop a comment and I'll PM you the code. If I have given you a code, which there are a few of you, you might want to us it sometime soon because I can't remember which code I gave out to which person (and I can track these things). But I'm willing to give out ten more so that I may save a few for my own uses.
doctor_rose_las and
whoverse_las entries and voting posts are up and available for all of to read and vote (or not). Personally, I wasn't surprised that
whoverse_las had a majority of Torchwood entries, nor that there was only one Classic Who entry, but that's probably how it will be for the rest of the challenge. Voting usually ends on Monday and I encourage all to do so.
annissag and I are both working on a project that we're incredibly excited about. It's still being worked on, so the project is still highly classified (trying to be sneaky here, is it working?), but I'm hoping to roll it out this weekend or, at the very latest, by next week. That's if we both get our butts into gear. lol.
Well, lunch is almost over and I have a message to send. This afternoon I'll be busy with replies, the project, and maybe some more writing. I also cannot wait for the weekend. It needs to be here now, mmk?
I'm also very tired. Five, you have such a great idea. *falls on floor* Ah, there we go.