Update: The Good Things

May 15, 2011 23:16

I figured that I'd post a small something that is not anxious or sad but about the good things I've done with my life since my crappiness started a couple weeks ago.

Lists, of course, ftw!

  • Playing video games that suck up my time like no other again. It feels nice to be back into a "simple" game like Civilization IV and forget about the rest of the world. I've missed my distractions.
  • Today, while playing said video games, I've had my Murray Gold collection on shuffle and found that the Series 5 and ACC soundtracks are much more enjoyable. I still think the Series 4 Specials were the highlight of his musical career (so far), and Ben Foster did some amazing work with Torchwood, but I should give Series 5 another chance. And guess what came on rather quickly? "Four Knocks." *sniffle*
  • Finally got in my shipment of a huge amount of Big Finish audios. They are mostly evenly distributed among the Eight and Five audios, with two companion ones, and so far I've enjoyed them. I've been listening to the unabridged "Castrovalva" book adaptation read by Peter Davison for the past couple of days at work and, honestly, it is one of the only things that was able to make me smile. The other thing that truly made me smile this past week was listening to IGN's Girlfight Podcast (women talking about video games) and this Mass Effect story regarding monkeys and bad karma. I laughed aloud because I had done it too! I'm half-way through "Castrovalva" at this point so I might switch gears and move to the first Eight audio.
  • I also grabbed a huge number of those "Short Trips" books for some fun. I want to fill in some the gaps between Five and Eight's runs, particularly the former, and found "The Comet's Tail" to be an interesting short read. I'm not sure how many of you know what I'm talking about but look them up. It's like short little fanfics put together in a hardcover for easy reading. So far so good.
  • I've started my reading of the most current Iron Man run, starting with Iron Man: Extremis. The Extremis arc was interesting and a great stepping stone from movie to comics, like myself, and the Tony Stark/Iron Man I knew from the movies was pretty similar to the Tony Stark/Iron Man I saw in the comics. I'm hoping the next one in this series, Execute Program and then that daft "Civil War" makes it in soon so that I can get to the really new Iron Man run, the "Invincible Iron Man," where the amazing Pepper Potts does a few incredibly BAMF things. Can't wait.
  • Watched the really stupid, yet stupidly enjoyable, St. Trinian's last night and once I got over the ridiculousness of the entire movie, I enjoyed it. Plus, Lena Headey was in it, wearing glasses and being all prim and proper-like, so, honestly, what more could I ever ask for? Well...anything that's PG rated at least. Heh.
  • The newest Doctor Who was both awesome and annoying at the same time. I really wanted to give up on this season but this gem of an ep came at just the time I was about to stop watching Series 6 altogether. Sigh. (But, still, old TARDIS and ejecting rooms! I know those two! *squee* I just wish, eerily, that we could have seen the Doctor pound on the TARDIS old-school style. How else does the Doctor get the TARDIS to work? A good old fist to the console. Except, y'know, abuse issues....)
  • I seriously cannot wait until I get into my apartment.

And, as a parting note, because I'm obsessive-compulsive, I will be responding to all previous comments, even if I've already explained things already. You just need to bear with me on that one. Sorry.

Oh, and sorry if this post is more like my rambling self. Y'know, anxious awakiness happening. Although, really, this is probably a good thing, yeah?

fandom: doctor who, video games, random, fandom: iron man, big finish, movies

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