Because it's a great idea to begin with, a way to keep me organized, it has lists, and
jiji_bean has been nagging me mercilessly about putting this up, so here's my list of Plot Bunnies and Works-In-Progress for Doctor Who only. I've got enough DW fic ideas running around in my head that if I included some of my other fandoms in this list it would get a tad
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Bearing in mind this is totally YMMV stuff and not at all a judgment on the stories/plots...
The Sherlock & the Doctor one: For TL;DR reasons I generally don't read stories centered around male characters, with a few exceptions. (mostly Spike from Buffy, apparently an unusual number of women identify with him) Also, I haven't seen the new Sherlock series that everyone else has, and don't really plan to, (Well, maybe the bromantic Robert Downey movie. Though I have seen other Sherlocks and enjoyed them!) so that also makes it less interesting to me.
The Doctor/Donna shippy one: So I love Donna, I think she's totally sexy, and I love the Doctor & Donna dynamic. But, what I especially love like burning is their platonic friendship (there are totally not enough platonic, no-sexual tension M/F friendships in media! For that reason I also love Mal & Zoe from Firefly.), and it also very much reminds me of the dynamic between myself and my tall, skinny, attractive, pale, bespectacled male BFF, who I love dearly but falls firmly into the DNW category. (the feeling is mutual!) So Doctor/Donna hits both my "But their friendship is so awesome/why does everything have to come back to sex/romance?" button, and also makes me think of sexing up my BFF, which would be...icky.
And, yeah, it still needs a beta. I always need a beta actually.
I am usually willing to beta, as long as there's some advance notice! I am reasonably good at catching grammar/spelling/etc. and pointing out things that might be confusing to the reader.
IKR? Some people don't get it but I think it would be an amazing concept. If only I could write Donna better.
I've read a couple of awesome stories with all of them, but there are precious few people that do it. Donna/Rose/Doctor and Master/Rose/Doctor are my dream Team TARDISes.
As for writing Donna, practice makes perfect, you know. ;)
(No, I haven't, and probably won't until I get my Eight fic out there. And mine is more about Eight's death with Nine's birth just tacked on for fun. Nine would never know Rose was there or else, y'know, weird things might happen time wise. I might take a look for it after though.)
Thinking about Eight and the Timewar and his death always makes me so sad. Eight is so adorable and happy go lucky that I really don't want to think about him all wrecked.
(Timewar fanvid)
And yeah, that tardis_stoway fic is mostly Ten/Rose, but it's pretty timey-whimey, you might enjoy it.
(For reasons that are too personal and long to explain, we best stay away from any Spike/Buffy discussion. I am not a Spike lover and never, ever will be. I actually rather hate him, come to think of it. I think I'm the only woman in the universe to think this. I mostly keep it to myself.)
But, what I especially love like burning is their platonic friendship (there are totally not enough platonic, no-sexual tension M/F friendships in media! For that reason I also love Mal & Zoe from Firefly.)
Oh, so agree. Most of this more shipper Doctor/Donna fics are for friends of mine who like that pairing so I try to indulge and spread my wings, so to speak. Doesn't make it easy though! Plus, Mal & Zoe were awesome in Firefly and loved their non-romantic relationship. Pitch perfect.
*jots down you as a possible beta* I'll keep you in mind. And, generally, I'm a patient person. :D
I like your dream TARDISes, at least New Who variety.
Actually, after reading some of the Eight comics (canon, not canon, take your pick) I saw a very angsty, violent, and regular full-of-himself Doctor. I loved it and appeared to be a great way to ease him into his general and genocidal status. I also get the feeling Five is a tad angsty as well.
What can I say? I love angsty Doctors? ;)
Thanks for the rec. I'll try and read it sometime soon (and the vid too).
That totally sounds really interesting and I bet they would love sparring with each other (I think I've read one or two Doctor/Sherlock crossovers so far). I just tend to...wander off after a while if there aren't female characters around. I guess I find them shinier and more exciting?
I am not a Spike lover and never, ever will be. I think I'm the only woman in the universe to think this.
I don't know if you were ever involved in Buffy fandom, but "the Spike issue" was quite the popular topic of discussion back in the day. Suffice it to say that you're very much *not* alone in disliking Spike. And it's definitely one of those topics where I see both viewpoints, so you won't get any pushback from me for not liking Spike. (I do want to say though, that I'm not one of those people whose interest in Spike is that 1. "he's hot" and 2. think that he and Buffy are a fluffy OTP. Those people frighten me.) On a slightly different note, giandujakiss actually made a very interesting/fabulous fanvid about how the narrative of POC characters in Buffy (especially in Season 7) was often pushed aside to focus on the narrative of white, male characters (Spike and Angel). (If it isn't obvious, I really like fanvids)
I saw a very angsty, violent, and regular full-of-himself Doctor.
Huh, I didn't see the violence in the audios I've heard, but I definitely saw the angst and full-of-himself-ness that is the hallmark of the Doctor. Obviously I need to listen to more audios. And read some of those Eight books that won awards. (And I though the comics were a New Who thing, I had no idea Eight was in any of them, obviously I need to check the wiki...)
LOL. No, I totally get it. I just also like reading about geniuses, Doctors, and loyal side-kicks. Add BAMF women, swords, and neckties and you've got all of my kinks/happy places together. :D
Spike and Nine share the same problem for me, in a way, in that Spike is bad for what he tried to do to Buffy and Nine for what normally happens after an event like that. Sorry for the vagueness, it's just a long personal story that hits close to home, although not to me.
Personally, I never understood Spike and I was in fandom around that time but, really, after Season 6 I was so angry at it that 7, which I watched, barely registered for me. I was so distraught over Tara's death that I didn't really give a fuck as to what happened in S7. the comics for S8 hold some appeal but I've been spoiled as to what happens to a certain character and, nope, never. But, damn it, Buffy does something so awesome....
Anyway, Spike. Never got him. Never got his screwed-up redemption story that, when considering our earlier discussion on "true love," you have to admit that Spike was rather set on Buffy as his true love and he's been around for a few hundred years or so. *shrug* And, if I did watch fanvids (I hardly ever do), I might watch that one...if I can find it. Videos just don't do it for me that much. *shrug*
I haven't listened to the audios (all of Eight's Season 1 is coming in on TUESDAY!!!! OMG!) but there have been a release of four separate comic TPBs that collect the stories found in DWM issues during the long hiatus between the movie and the start of New Who. The one where Eight goes all crazy is in the graphic novel named "The Flood," which was supposed to be his regeneration sequence (until the BBC got all mad) but Eight definitely goes a tad crazy. I haven't read the comics yet, mostly because I'm waiting desperately for the first one to be available freaking anywhere. So bloody hard to find that one. I'm currently working on "The Eight Doctors" but I've got a bunch of Short Trips coming in that I want to read so I can fill in some Five gaps.
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