"It's Only Impossible Until It's Not!"

Mar 01, 2011 08:30

Alright, I'm resisting every urge in me to complain about work, about the co-worker who is sick this morning/today (I swear, she doesn't "feel well" at least once every other week and I'm starting to wonder if she's got a serious problem or just doesn't want to work, which are two very different things), or the fact that I woke up with what I'm thinking is a stress headache and, as you may recall, the last time I had one of those I went into a panic attack. Awesome start to a Monday Tuesday.

*watches water boil* And where's my bloody tea?

Instead of complaining, I'm going to remark about how my co-worker, the one who loves Doctor Who (I think he still does) texted me last night saying David Tennant was on Top Gear (which, of course, he would watch, being the car nut he is) a while ago and I should watch it via Netflix. Might be worth a look even if I've never seen a single episode. Obviously I'm that easy and my co-worker knows me all too well. :)

Alright, tea is almost ready and I didn't complain (you can't call my not-complaing first paragraph a complaint, now can you?). I'm trying to be positive, y'know? Positive...yes. I feel like I've already done my fair share of complaining for the next year so I'm going to try and...not.

Let's see how long that lasts.

I was also so damn exhausted from yesterday that not only did I take a three hour nap but I actually got about six or so hours of sleep! Yay!

(Subject comes from an awesome Captain Picard quote on the Star Trek episode that was playing last night. Season 1 could have something awesome in it? Who knew?)

david tennant, work, top gear

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