To-Do List, Yet Again

Feb 13, 2011 14:13

Well, as I type this, I'm doing a half-dozen different things at once. Impossible? Hardly.

  1. Writing this post. Well, that's a given until I've posted this. I suppose it must be counted as number one first and foremost.
  2. Doing laundry and, eventually, vacuuming the house as requested by my mother. I suppose that I should help out around here until I find my own place. Hmm....
  3. Working on customizing my LiveJournal from scratch. Yup, from scratch. Including changing the user, layout, and theme layers, pretty much the only ones that you can change as the core layer is defined by LJ, but I'm slowly working on a new layout in my free time. Confused by the layers? A great tutorial of what the layers are, what they do, and how to modify them for whatever type of basic layout you are using. I'm using Flexible Squares, for the record.

    Once I have a working mock-up of what I want my journal to look like, I'll give a specific link for everyone to look at and give criticism (which would be most appreciated!). I might be a tad creative with my words but when it comes to colors and layouts I seem to have a dramatic fail. I think it all comes down me reading a lot as a child, still do to some degree, but I also had a mother who would constantly correct my grammar and pronunciation so that I either ask people how to pronounce a word (or spell it), even at work, or have a horrible habit of correcting other people's grammar. Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too, huh?

    By the way, I've got an initial feeling of using this color scheme on the journal:

    But the orange may have to go (links perhaps?). I'm still investigating.

    I'll also shamelessly add that I'm looking for anyone who has a good grasp of the graphics to make me a header image, commissioned and compensated of course. I can write, send little gifts via mail, or something else along those lines. If you know of anyone, or would like to do it yourself, drop me a line. :) Yes, I'm that shameless sometimes.
  4. Even if I can be so forward in asking for a commission, I'm up for helping others out in their quest to beautify their journal. I've been going over the details for a while now, have a decent grasp of CSS, and could post a bit of my process as I go through them for my wonderful flist, and others, to follow. Or send a PM and I'll try my best. I even have a delicious account with links to important LJ customization guides for those interested. I also have an aging delicious account for my favorite fanfic bookmarks. Must update that one sometime soon.
  5. There are comments I need to reply to. Inbox at 18 unread.
  6. I'm writing up a music playlist, using the template jiji_bean has for hers and I'm adding a few additions of my own. I hope to post sometime in the near future.
  7. I'm also writing up a growing list of plot bunny threads that I'm working on. Small snippets, thoughts, or ideas of fics will be posted, with or without titles, but most likely with fandom and pairing included in the list. That'll appear sometime this week.
  8. Flickr account. Right. Pictures. Yup.
  9. Working on a beta. Shouldn't take to long, I imagine.
  10. And I need to write a little bit, just a small tidbit, before I get some sleep tonight. Sunday is productive day and writing is a big portion of that. I should also put Tuesday in the writing docket as well. And Thursday. How about Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday for writing days? That's a decent goal I do believe.

Alright, so that lasted a bit more than a half-dozen things I'm working on at the moment. Or at least for the day. Supposedly you can only do a few things at once, the brain is only capable of multi-tasking on a few distinct objects at any given time or it will loose the short-term memory reserved for that task, but I think I can do it all today, or at least give it a good effort. I've probably still got about twelve more hours of consciousness before I head to bed (I finally went to sleep around 5am last night and had a not-so-decent 5 hours sleep before driving my sister to the airport) so time's a wasting! Let's get on with it!

Now, where to start....

customization, to do, livejournal, everyday life

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