Feb 14, 2006 16:13
As I left the 5th street parking garage I went to turn my volume back up on the cdplayer(AT's listening cd if you must know), I heard a scream... which was more like a cross between a yell and a scream, some breaks and a crash. I looked up to see a lady laying on the road and her motorized wheelchair pushed not over but ajar to its owner. The lady who was driving a black acura didn't move. She was wearing sunglasses and just sat there shocked at what occured. I parked and ran over and tried to direct traffic around the scene. There was a gentleman asking questions to the lady on the ground. She was very old and seemed slightly underdeveloped mentally. Her legs were small and very twig like. She just half moaned half yelled in pain while the lady who hit her was standing in the door of her car unable to look behind and see the origin of the wails. I don't think she could. She sat on her cellphone and raved in tears to whom ever was on the other line. It was like none of us were there in her conversation she was completly in the third person. I wanted to grab her and shake her. I don't think I would react differently if I were the driver though so I restrained myself. A police man drove up and quickly called the ambulance. I stood back not wanting to be in the way of professionals and just let things go by. The ambulance came and left and I just stood staring at what had occured. I conveyed my sights to the officer and hurried to the hospital to see if I could find out if the lady was ok. They wouldn't tell me anything..
Fucked up vday
I'm gonna go lay down