Title: Sing Myself To Sleep (You're My Favorite Melody)
Rating: PG
Summary: Kris has surgery and Adam is there to help him recover.
Warnings: total schmoop, be wary, in fluff out of practice I be. Tid bits of infidelity.
“Katy had an emergency so she called me in to be your wife for the week.” he heard Adam scoff. “You don’t have to be so sick about it. I’m going to be a good wife to you.” )
Comments 4
I remember tasting nothing but blood for the past two days after I had my usual route of cleaning from the dentist, even through the food and drinks I had. -_-
Anyways, this was cute.
This was sweet. Like, I have twelve hundred cavities now. Also, yeah, wisdom teeth suck. Though I didn't bleed for three days so you had more fun than I did.
Also; where do you want your comments? On your personal page or in kradam_ai?
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