Feb 23, 2008 12:17
This morning I wanted to take a picture of Lettie. So I went to find my camera. I picked it up, and noticed that the little plate on top of the camera that goes around the exposure counter and the 2 buttons, was gone. When I turned it on, the lens was very slow to respond and expand. When I took a picture of my cat, everything on the inside sounded VERY odd, like the film did not want to advance. Yes. I still have a film camera. As I looked at the camera, I noticed that the two major parts of the camera body were coming apart a bit.
Now, I need to replace my camera, and attempt to get my film out of this broken one. It’s a good thing I took photography in high school; I still have a clue how to do black-bagging.
So, does anyone have a spare camera they are willing to give me?
Then, just a few minutes ago, I was reaching for the zipper on the sweatshirt jacket I’m wearing, and my finger went through the closed zipper. ??? I looked down and saw that a bit of the stitching on my zipper had come undone. :: sigh :: One more thing falling apart in my life! This is not what I need.
On top of everything else, last night I noticed how empty my freezer is getting. Now, to be honest, I had a lot of food in there to start with> However, I have been cutting back on eating out, and switched to eating at home. Which means cooking for myself. Which means that I have been going through my food stores. That, and the fact that I'm down to a half gallon of milk, and a dozen eggs ( I like to keep at least 2 dozen eggs on hand... never know when the urge to make cookies, or waffles, or pancakes will hit!) is making me feel rather low.
Also, I'm running low on toothpaste, and toilet paper!
I hate not having money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need to go grocery shopping. :-(
broken things