(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 10:28

Full name: Jennifer Anne Modglin
Nicknames: jenny
Sex: lady
Age: 19
Birthday: 4.17.86
Birth place: Westlake, CA
Current residence: Santa Cruz, CA
Zodiac Sign: aries
Pets: tyson (haha i remember when i was younger i would put my sister as a pet. i was such a nerd.)

Love Life
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
If so, who are they?: jeffery alan leighton jr.
How long have you been dating?: uh, seriously 3 months, but we dated casually for 7 months before that
Do you have a crush?: hahaha yes
Would you rather be single or taken right now?: i love my boyfriend to death but being single could be cool ("do you ever wish you could just randomly have sex with someone?")
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: my family, my friends, my boyfriend
If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?: cuz i thought that it was love at the time but it was just me wanting to be in love
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: of course
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: yes. if you had the connection to date them, why should you throw that away once you break up?
Have you ever cheated on someone?: no
Have you ever been cheated on?: i don't know. i don't think so
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?: driving over 5 hours to surprise me on my birthday; sending my flowers at school for absolutely no reason
What do you look for in your ideal mate?: someone who makes me laugh, who has interests (ones different from mine so i can learn about new things), who i can be a dork around and not feel lame, a good kisser, good style, can get along with my friends
Biggest Turn-ons?: sketchy looking dudes.
Turn-offs: a head not proportional to his body, ugliness, stupidity

Nicest: vanessa macias
Bitchiest: me
Jackass: mike wreck
Prettiest: all of my friends are gorgeous
Best eyes: i don't know
Best hair: i don't know
Biggest Flirt: jen p.
Tallest: i don't know
Shortest: amira
Most likely to become a serial killer?: amira...i'll never forget the time she squeezed my head cuz i said pirates are better than ninjas

Ever Been Called...
Dumb?: yes
Retarded?: probably daily
Ugly?: yes
Hot?: i don't think so
Fat?: yes
Anorexic?: yes
A waste of space?: yes
Useless?: yes
Sexy?: no
Smelly?: yes :[
Beautiful?: yes, by ryan george's mom
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: yes
Boring?: yes
A Bitch?: tes
Rebel?: yes
Conceited?: no

What are you wearing?: what i was wearing last night cuz i fell asleep in it
Who are you talking to?: no one is awake yet
How is the weather?: it looks overcast
What are you listening to?: my ipod on random
What/Who are you thinking about?: studying for finals
What are you eating/drinking?: chocolate and graham crackers left over from last night
What are you looking forward to: being done with school, going home, china
What are you dreading?: finals, getting a job
How are you feeling?: gross, dirty, tired, i have to pee really bad
How is your hair?: really dirty
What time is it?: 10.44 am

What emotion do you feel the most?: probably boredom
What emotion is the best?: pride, fulfillment, love, anticipation
Worst?: guilt, regret
What songs make you cry?: none, i ain't no baby
What always cheers you up?: my friends
What makes you madder than anything?: people
What hurts you the most?: regrets, feeling like i'm not good enough

Which person always makes you
happy?: all my friends
depressed?: people that have achieved more than i have and make me feel bad about myself
are you a really emotional person?: yeah, but i don't show it
What do you do when you're depressed?: think alot and mope around and not talk to anyone about it

When Was The Last Time You..
Kissed?: last weekend
Had sex?: last weekend
Cried?: last weekend
Got dumped?: two summers ago
Dumped someone?: last summer

3 things you enjoy doing
1. shopping
2. eating
3. hanging out

3 things you hate
1. most of the people i go to school with
2. myself
3. plaid pants

3 things you regret
1. i don't want to talk about this

3 things you are looking forward to
wasn't this question already asked?
1. going home
2. china
3. living with four of the coolest girls ever next year

3 things you dislike about yourself
1. my body and looks
2. my personality
3. my life

3 things that describe your looks
1. bad posture
2. dyed black hair
3. big thighs and fat arms

Do you do drugs?: other than alcohol, no
Do you have a mental disability?: not that i know of
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: i take medication to prevent the disorder of being pregnant
What kind?: birth control
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: i don't know
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: lameness...my family is really annoying sometimes

Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: my roommate last night
Yelled at?: stupid people
Kissed?: my boyfriend
Hugged?: probably one of my friends
Flirted with?: my boyfriend probably
Talked to on the phone?: my boyfriend
IMed?: i don't remember
Fought with?: my boyfriend but it wasn't really a fight
Worried about?: vanessa
Wanted to kill?: the majority of people in my female physiology section and european history section
Cried over?: my shitty shitty life
Thought about?: myself, cuz that was the answer to the question right before this one

Are you...
Understanding?: yeah i guess
Pretty?: meh
Nice?: meh
A bitch?: sometimes
Hard to get?: sometimes
Confident?: depends
Depressed?: sort of
Hyper?: sometimes
Friendly?: yeah, when i want to be
Sexy?: hahaha no...i'm really awkward
Hungry?: yes. people should wake up so we can go eat
Shy?: sometimes when i first meet people
Emotional?: i can be
Messy?: yeah
Arrogant?: no
Immature?: yeah
Sad?: not right now
Trusting?: to an extent. i don't like to get hurt so i always have a certain amount of doubt about evertyhing
Healthy?: usually, but i haven't been lately
Sleepy?: sort of
lonely?: no
Independent?: yes
Romantic?: ew barf

best friend: tara and laura
first real memory: um i have a bunch from living in my old house
First (real) date: um i think like movies with steven or something.
First Break-up: breaking up with nick martin, my first boyfriend, in the 6th grade
First Job: fake job: babysitting; real job: hasn't happened yet
First screen name: jswims417. i remember when me and cindy thought of it
First self purchased album: the beauty and the best soundtrack
First funeral: my dad's aunt or something like that
First pets: jakey
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: my debit card is a credit card too.
First true love: jeff
First play/musical/performance: uh, none.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: probably country

Last cigarette: san francisco with lauren back in november.
Last big car ride: home a few weeks ago
Last good cry: last friday during remy's play
Last movie seen: the virgin suicides
Last food eaten: chocolate and graham crackers
Last phone call: jeff
Last tv show watched: the oc a few weeks ago
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: cons
Last cd played: the smiths
Last item bought: stuff for s'mores
Last annoyance: having to pee really bad, finals
Last website you visited: supercult.com, cuz it's my homepage
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