i dream at night i can only see your face, i look around but its you i cant replace

Mar 29, 2007 00:53

my problem is i think too much. and i let things bother me too easily. i need things to roll off my shoulders. its not going to happen anytime soon. its the way i have been for years. if something upsets me or bothers me, screw it. not worth my time. that is not always the best mentality. i dont think it makes me a bad person or an immature person, i just think i need to compromise more and learn to accept others the way they are.

it's funny because 63 oak used to anger me to no avail. but lately, i guess this semester, things have been going well and making me happy. i look forward to coming home and with the weather getting nicer, there are lots of things to look forward to. i think the last two months of my binghamton existence will be wonderful.

i miss my mom so much. i havent seen my parents in three months. i think it is the longest i have gone without seeing them and also the longest i have gone without being home. even though, it will only be for the weekend, i plan on getting as much out of my family as i can.

it is getting down to the wire. lots people are getting nervous about graduation. its quite evident. however, i am not scared nor am i nervous. there is no reason to be. like everything in life, things must come to an end. i am looking forward to bigger and brighter things that will come my way.

in other news. i am tired!
and i am so glad everyone is doing so well.
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