One of my few unlocked posts now...

Mar 18, 2008 13:37

...I've really got to get a Friend's Only banner up eventually.

ANYWAY. rainweaver13 created this shiny place I've been playing in since it opened called writing_readers. I am quite fond of it and we are looking for new members in it until March 31, when it will be locked down again.

Basically, it's a place to post writerly stuff (discussions/challenges/opportunities/stories/and so on) and discuss it with a bunch of really good (or so I've found) people. The catch is, we're trying to make this an active community. We're looking for people to post stories and comment on other people's stories and partipate in challenges and so on. Not just lurkers - this is a challenge to the lurkers out there (and I am often one and I don't think there are really any on my flist anyway) to get involved.

So. writing_readers Check it out. I highly recommend it. Membership drive going until March 31 and then it will be locked down again.
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