Title: Fun In The Snow Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, an ickle OC Rating: G Disclaimer: I don't own them, although I would if I could. Spoilers: None Summary: Ianto is surprised at Jack's inexperience. Author's Note: Written for day twelve of redismycolour. 100 words exactly again :)
Title: The Snowman Author: topgeargirl2 Characters: Jack/Ianto Rating: G Warning: no warnings or spoilers Word Count: 280 Summary: Ianto makes a snowman Disclaimer: Torchwood is owned by the BBC, also Marvin the paranoid android is owned by Douglas Adams A/N: Written for day 12 of rediscolour.
Dream by the fire...hab318princessJanuary 12 2009, 12:31:56 UTC
12 January 2009 - Redismycolour Title: Dream by the fire… Rating: PG-13 Characters: Jack / Ianto, Spoilers: Exit Wounds Warnings: mentions Mpreg Disclaimer: I pay my licence fee, does that count? Nope, then they belong to the BBC.
Title: Winter Wonderland Author: missthingsplace Parings/characters: Jack/Ianto Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or any of the characters ... unfortunately. Summary: Jack wants to walk in the snow ... Spoilers: None Warnings: None Rating: PG
Title: The attack of the Snowmen Author: Emyrldlady Word count: 202 Characters: Jack, Rating: G Spoilers: Post S2 Disclaimer: not mine, I'm only having fun. Summary: Snowmen attack Jack, UnBeta'd and kind of silly Day 12 of redismycolour
Comments 20
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, an ickle OC
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own them, although I would if I could.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Ianto is surprised at Jack's inexperience.
Author's Note: Written for day twelve of redismycolour. 100 words exactly again :)
Fun In The Snow
Author: topgeargirl2
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Warning: no warnings or spoilers
Word Count: 280
Summary: Ianto makes a snowman
Disclaimer: Torchwood is owned by the BBC, also Marvin the paranoid android is owned by Douglas Adams
A/N: Written for day 12 of rediscolour.
Title: Dream by the fire…
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jack / Ianto,
Spoilers: Exit Wounds
Warnings: mentions Mpreg
Disclaimer: I pay my licence fee, does that count? Nope, then they belong to the BBC.
Drabble: http://hab318princess.livejournal.com/37688.html
Author: missthingsplace
Parings/characters: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or any of the characters ... unfortunately.
Summary: Jack wants to walk in the snow ...
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Author: Emyrldlady
Word count: 202
Characters: Jack,
Rating: G
Spoilers: Post S2
Disclaimer: not mine, I'm only having fun.
Summary: Snowmen attack Jack, UnBeta'd and kind of silly
Day 12 of redismycolour
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