(no subject)

Aug 18, 2009 16:11

Oh, Livejournal, I think I've missed you most of all... okay, I actually miss Youtube most, but you're way up there, livejournal. My computer is still broken and so I feel like I haven't had any contact with the outside world in forever-ever. Here's somethings:

The sucky thing about being famous, especially on the internet, is the one in a thousand people that say something really, really mean to you or about you. The weird thing is, they're always nerdy losers. If you go to my youtube profile (www.youtube.com/daedsider) there's a comment from some dude that is just super duper nasty. And it shouldn't bug me because A. here's obviously a totally fucking loser (check his profile if you don't believe me) and B. it's hard to be insulted by people who don't know how to use a comma. But the thing is, I'm sensitive. My feelings get hurt real easily and I obsess about things. I still can't get over the guy that said my attempts at humor were an "epic FAIL" a few weeks ago. I mean, he had a James Taylor karaoke video on his profile that was totally sincere! Why should I care what someone who would create something like that thinks? What the hell does that sort of person know about humor anyway?! Still, it sucks and I hate it.

Not having my computer is one thing. Not having my music is a totally different, infinitely more intollerable thing.

I moved a couple blocks away from the house I was living in and I am so happy about that. I'm living with people I like more in a house that I like a WHOLE lot more. Hooray for that.

I got sort of a promotion at work today. I'm the 'Lead Seller' which means I don't get paid any more, but I get a bunch of managerial type responsibilties. I'm pretty okay with that. It's a step up and my boss told me that the next time a supervisor position open she wants me to apply for it. That's good.

Other than that, not much is going on. I'm hoping that I can fix my computer soon and not have to resume a life of one-hour library stops. My video with Charles is at 14,000 views on Youtube, which is amazing. Hope everyone is doing well.
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