(no subject)

Jun 24, 2009 22:41

Do you ever find yourself responding to someone that is so fucking off the mark that you just want to scream your fucking head off at them? "The fucking mark is RIGHT FUCKING THERE IN FRONT OF YOU!! HOW COULD YOU MISS THAT?! Dead cats could hit it better than you, and they don't even have thumbs!" And at the same time, you really want to be gentle and diplomatic and understanding because you really think they're just misguided and more than a little stupid and you just want to help them get a clue? And so, maybe a little snidely (but by no means viciously), you point out the error of their ways? And next thing you know, they're talking down to you and treating you like YOU'RE the one who doesn't know what they're talking about, when you've read a dozen books on the subject, at least skimmed all the official documents relating to it, and spent years, YEARS of your life almost single-mindedly obsessed with the subject in an intellectual way and all they've got is the fucking wikipedia page to make them feel so smugly superior? Has that ever happened to you? That's because the internet is the worst thing that's ever happened (right now).

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