I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I think the last year or two I've just needed a big break from LJ. I still read my F-list a few times a week, but I barely comment, so I'm sorry for that. I'm more active around Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. You guys are welcome to add me on any of those things, just let me know what your names are so I can add you back. There is also instant messengers that I'm signed on to a lot of the time. Though because of Aidan, I'm not always great at keeping up a full conversation without interruptions.
I'm going to try to be more active around LJ parts, but just in case, here is a list of links to different places where I can be found:
Twitter FacebookFormspring.meTumblrYouTubeFavstar.fmE-mailGchat: liza.michelle at gmail.com
AIM: hotxpinkxfire
Y!M: cock_blockery
MSN: rediscover_me at hotmail.com
Skype: rediscoverme
And in order to make this an official Liza Post: