For muserevival

Jan 05, 2012 10:29

002.5 “There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.” - Harry Crews

She knew each and every single one of his scars like she knew her own. She knew that the raised circle by his hip was a bullet wound. That a matching scar around the other side represented the exit hole. She knew that the silvery line along his knee was actually from a circus trick gone wrong, and not from any field work.

She knew that just where his hairline started by his temple was a tiny little scar courtesy of her. It was their second mission and she’d thrown an ashtray at his head not actually intending to hit him, but the corner had nicked his temple all the same.

About five more scars were thanks to her as well, their ability to fight like lovers even before they’d become ones evident after their first meeting. One of those fights had ended with her grazing his shoulder with a bullet. She had actually intended to hit him that time - aiming for his head but he’d moved at the last second and so she’d only just caught his shoulder instead.

And on her body she had exactly six scars - all from him. There were a few from other missions, but the six from him she remembered the most. Even now as his palm ran over the scar covering the back of her thigh she remembered the mission where she got it with such clarity. The light gash that had left her with the scar hadn’t completely been his fault. But in order to free her from a tangle of rope he’d had to cut through that and her uniform. He’d actually done surprisingly well. Always her knight in purple leather.

The second scar was from another of their fights. It had started off as sparring, but soon slipped into an all-out brawl and she’d wound up with a cut to the chin when his fist had connected. It wasn’t something many people knew about, but it was there if you knew where to look for it. Which he did as he brushed his lips against it.

The third scar was a bite mark. They hadn’t consummated their feelings for each other for a long time, the misplaced anger soon sparking into something much more dangerous and passionate. Their ability to harm each other was soon linked to pleasure, and one particularly heated night resulted in him leaving a teeth-shaped signature on the inside of her thigh. Again, not something many people were ever going to discover, but his claim to her was there all the same.

The fourth scar was at the base of her skull, and again, not something that was directly his fault. She’d lost her footing in a fight and been cracked on the head by a baseball bat. Not her proudest moment, but her purple knight had been there to catch her all the same. And she’d later found out that the man responsible wasn’t exactly left with many bones in his body intact. The only people they could hurt worse than each other were the ones that presented outside threats.

Which is why her fifth scar was from a knife wound in shoulder. Undercover mission or not, Natasha had not been happy when some drugged-up bimbo was making moves on her partner, and she tried to take the girl down. Only the girl had been carrying a pocket knife she’d neglected to notice in all her green-eyed monster rage and Natasha had wound up being stabbed with it before she quickly knocked the girl out. It had nearly blown both their covers, but later when he was helping to patch her up he’d made no secret over how hilarious he found the whole thing.

And scar number six was the tiniest of grooves under her butt cheek. Right where her thigh and ass met was a crescent shaped scar that his fingernail fit into perfectly. It was also a scar he just so happened to have a matching one for, her own fingernail fitting perfectly into the crescent shape underneath his ass.

Scar number six also meant it was well past time to give him another one, but it was all a matter of deciding where. Even if his thigh was looking awfully tempting.

Natasha Romanoff/Marvel Movieverse
Words: 716
Not binding on any Clints.

comm: muserevival, ship: tasha/clint, with: clint barton, verse: open

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