Nov 15, 2002 16:53
How many times have you been told to do your own thing, and when you do you're then yelled at for doing something different? I live on this earth here and now to take care of things around me, I am here to protect the ones I love and who I hold dear. If I can not find you I truely am sorry, but perhaps the goddess decided it wasn't time for me to find you. Some of you may have been asked what you would do if you had to scarfice your friends in order to save humankind. I,.. I would try my best to save them unless it was impossible. I have been asked that so many times before in my dreams, in my dreams of the past. Only when I was then put up to the test I would scarfice myself to save my friends and all of humankind. That I would again if I had to. I do not know what brought upon this urge to write this, in fact I forget the scene I had pictured in my head as I did. But I do know one thing, it is the annivesary of my death in one past lives. An undocumented witch trail done in Fl. My friends where about to be hung, I broke the ropes exposing myself. On this day every year it is the same, the memory flashes through my mind. The feel of a rope wraped around my neck leaving a red mark. The feel of the rope breaking. The feel of the whip hitting me for evil spell to cause the rope to break (which I did not.) the slashes that appear on my body. The feel of the rope tying my hands behind my back leaving a mark as the flames consume me. All these I feel and they leave their mark on my body so I will remember. They do disappear for this is not their time. At times I regret the decsion I made long ago but then I remember the fact that they were my friends, they were innocent and I'm glad I did what I had.