Maternal Instinct Recap
Transcript HereWe open with the usual “Unathorized incoming wormhole” only this time it is “Special Code 2” which means Bray'tac is on his way. Hammond gives the order to open the Iris and away we go. Bray'tac comes down the ramp with a wounded student bring bad tiddings of an attack on Chulak by Apophis.
The team express their dismay that Apophis had surbvived the crash of Sokar's ship. Then Fraiser summons them to the infirmary and Bray'tac has a touching goodbye scene with his newest apprentice as the apprentice slips into that good night. Bray'tac expresses a wish to spread the ashes on Apophis's grave. Bray'tac says he may not have enough fight left in him and Teal'c talks him out of it and they realize that Apophis was looking for something.
They join Daniel in his office and between the three of them they figure out that it is the Harsies that Apophis seeks. Bray'tac and Daniel figure out that Kheb is where they must go. Then they go round up Sam and search the dialing computer. Voila! We have a gate address. Now we have a mission.
Hammond aproves and SG1 plus Bray'tac take Major Coburn and SG 2 along for the ride. They leave Coburn's team holding the fort at the gate. Bray'tac and Teal'c do that awesome Jaffa tracking thing and discover that a group of eight Jaffa had been here before. Bray'tac again expresses the fact that he is getting old and that if this is Kheb it might be time to retire. They find that six Jaffa stopped and two went ahead and brought back a woman. Then there was astruggle and the group ran into the forest. Jack is impressed with Bray'tac's masterful tracking.
Daniel is surprised by a ird on his way to finding some very crispy Jaffa critters. Sam notices that the bodies are burned but nothing else. Jack thinks it is a weapon but Teal'c cuts him off and says he knows of no such weapon. They find the dead priestess. Bray'tac and Teal'c figure out she was carrying the child. They find a temple in the mountains and the Ascension Theme starts playing.
Daniel starts stripping. But stops with his pack to the dismay of fangirls everywhere.But fortunately we glimpse bare arms as he is wearing a short sleve t-shirt. Bray'tac accompanies Daniel inside since he has been searching for the place twice as long as Jack has been a live. Jack isn't about to let his pet Archeologist into an unknown temple so he joins them but he takes his weapon. They look around and suddenly there is a young Buddist Monk who claims to have been there for sometime even thought the intial cammera pan did not reveal him. Jack is confussed.
“Here is everywhere you are.”
Daniel does his meet and greet thing.
“Do you seek oneness with Dessala?”
Daniel figures out that the monk is talking about nature.
“Put no barriers between you and where you are.”
Daniel and Bray'tac immediately take off their shoes while Jack makes lame jokes about foot odor and then points out they could just ask about the boy. Daniel does and gets the cryptic reply
“Lightning flashes. Sparks shower. In one blink of your eyes you have missed seeing .”
Jack picks up on the lightning
“I only know that a snowflake can not exist in a storm of fire.”
“the sun is warm. The wind is wild. The grass is green along the shores. Here no bull can hide.”
Daniel is fascinated by the Zen Khons but asks the question.
“There is a child in all of us.”
Bray'tac points out that they do in fact seek an actual child of flesh and bone.
“Those that seek oneness find all that they seek.”
Daniel make the understatement of the season when he states that “I think this is going to take awhile.” Jack expresses his unsurprise and leaves Daniel and Bray'tac to it.
Meanwhile Sam and Teal'c are being creeped out about the place outside. Jack tells them that Daniel is going to play along with the enlightenment for awhile and they settle in.
The Monk tells Bray'tac that he cannot statr the journey with the creature of darkness inside him. Bray'tac assumes one must be ready to die to meet this Oma Dessala.
“When the mind is freed the body is no longer required.”
Bray'tac realises he is not quiet ready to die and leaves Daniel alone with Monk. The Monk tells Daniel he doesn't have to die just rid himself of his burdens.
Bray'tac comes and tells Teal'c he feels like a young man of 80 and they have false gods to slay.
“She goes into the lake without making a ripple.She goes into the forest without disturbing a blade of grass.”
Daniel, who has removed his jacket and is in a long sleave shirt, gets a clue that they are talking about Mother Nature and is fascinated as only Daniel can be.
The Monk asks Daniel why he seeks the child made of flesh and bone. Daniel explains that the boy is the son of his wife and that he promised his dead wife he would keep him safe. The Monk asks if he is sure he is able to do that?
“Because it is so clear, it takes a longer time to realize it. If you immediately know that the candlelight is fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago.”
Daniel is confused and admits he has no idea what the Monk is saying. We get amusing scenes of Daniel trying to do things with his mind and talking about the Goa'uld and his hatred. The Monk insists that the hatred will lead to the boy's death. Daniel does some blows out the candle when he should have used his mind. Then he trusts the Monk and burns himself.
“Trust Oma Dessala. Do not believe you can light the candle. Believe she can light the candle.”
Jack gets restless and goes in. Daniel bables excitedly and shows off what he has learned. He mentions Ascension for the first time. Daniel lights fires and moves the gun with his mind. Daniel tries to pursade Jack that he is capable of it too. Gliders chose that moment to fly over. Jack has, Teal'c, Bray'tac and Coburn set up offenses for the coming attack.
Jack reenters the temple and tells Daniel they are out of time and stops another briliant Khon from being said.
Bray'tac and Teal'c find that a pyrimid has landed with lots of Jaffa.
Sam enters the temple and Daniel demonstrates his abilities with huge bonfires. Sam is skeptical. She would love time to run tests to see how this apperent magic is being done. Daniel insists that all you have to do is be willing to learn and believe.
Daniel believes he is being tested to see if he can take care of the child. A glowy light/squid/woman leads him to the wall and through it while Sam, Jack, Teal'c, and Bray'tac take up defensive positions outside. Once through the wall Daniel finds the baby. Jack has Coburn go back to the SGC and get lots of back up. Daniel picks up the baby (the extremely rare but cutest sight of Daniel being a father figure.) He tries to reassure Oma that he will keep the child safe. He then realizes that it was Oma the whole time. That he did none of the magic. He realizes too, that Oma was showing him that the baby was better protected by her. He makes the sacrifice for the child of giving him to Oma and relinquishing his last physical link to Sha're. Oma envelopes the child in her glow.
Jaffa invade the outside and kill the Monk who becomes a glowy squid. Daniel comes out and insists that the others lay down weapons and he means SG1 and Bray'tac. The sky darkens and lightening zaps the Jaffa after they listen to Daniel. Oma glows outside and shows the child and takes off as the glowy squid. As they prepare to leave Sam guesses the child Oma had with her was the child they saught. Jaqck then starts to ask the dumb question of if Daniel could have stopped her but Jack stops himself as he realisizes someone with that power couldn't be stopped.Coburn sees it heading his way since he and reenforcements have arrived. Jack orders them to put down their weapons. They do and Oma and child take off through the gate.
Jack asks Daniel if he is ok? Daniel answers yes. Just as they head home, Jack reminds Daniel that he needs to put his shoes back on.
Roll Credits.
1.Is it me or should the boy latter known as Shifu have been bigger than a babe in arms if he was born a year before during the episode Secrets?
2.What did Teal'c mean that when Bray'tac could no longer carry a Prim'ta, he, Teal'c, would have to decide what to do? Was there some Jaffa ritual that a student was to preform for his master? And if so what is it?
3.Which cryptic Monk statement is your favorite and why?
4.When and why did Daniel change his shirt in the temple? Or did it magically grow sleaves?