03x11 Past and Present recap

Sep 01, 2008 17:30


Transcript here

A Stargate tucked away in a warehouse. Yes, Jack, these are obviously people who don’t travel much.

A man and a woman enter. Jack is friendly and says, “Hello.”

The young man is very officious and the woman with him loves to mock, hee!

The Vorlix? Nope, we missed that one. Amnesia, you say.

CREDITS (in case the viewer has amnesia and needs to be reminded of the names of the stars)

Ke’ra, whoever she might be (Duh-duh-duh), believes that it’s safe now and that the cause of the Vorlix is long gone.

Sam posits mass amnesia based on some traumatic event.

Um, maybe connected to the disappearance of all the old people and children? That sounds fairly traumatic.

The young man and woman are always squabbling with each other like an old married couple. They’re so cute, with the man so positive he belongs with the yet-to-be-met Ke’ra, and the woman so eye-roll-y.

We meet Ke’ra! Who says Daniel is most welcome, being an archaeologist and all on a planet searching for its collective past. Sparkage ensues.

(*inserts editorial comment* I think it’s safe to say that more than one week has passed since Sha’re… passed.)

There is mention in the Vyun archives of a female visitor, an apothecary of some sort.

Teal’c asks the burning question.

And the answer is: Linea. (Duh-duh-duh)

Daniel and Ke’ra sit at a table covered with books, doing research and speculating about what happened. Hoo boy, they’re connecting. Smiles, laughter. Dare I say… flirting?

Jack, at the next table, looks concerned.

Ke’ra asks what they know of this stranger, Linea, and Daniel tells of her crimes. And of their complicity. Because Linea undoubtedly found Vyus through the SGC database. Daniel vows to help, and Ke’ra knows he will. Sparks fly!

Janet wants to take volunteers back to Earth for MRIs, etc. Ke’ra volunteers immediately, and Daniel escorts her from the room with his hand on her back.

Sam looks surprised and confused. Jack looks concerned.

Ke’ra and the two squabblers arrive at the SGC and are escorted to the infirmary. Ooh, Janet thinks their memories may be intact, just inaccessible. Ke’ra wants to start finding a medicine immediately. Janet thinks they all need a break, so Daniel takes Ke’ra off on the fifty cent tour.

Which ends up in Ke’ra’s VIP room. UST shimmers in the air. Daniel stammers and backs away from the advancing Ke’ra. He explains that he recently lost his wife, or not so recently, depending on how you look at it, but… anyway, he never finishes the thought. Or even gets as far as I just did.

Because Ke’ra kisses him. Daniel willingly loses his train of thought and kisses her back.

Somewhere? Jack is looking concerned.

Okay, I made that up. Jack is walking into Sam’s lab. Sam has discovered that Linea was working on a Fountain of Youth using a pesticide that the Vyuns stopped using 20 years ago. (It’s called D’argol - and I have to believe that Ben Browder and Claudia Black would get a kick out of that.) Linea’s journal ends just as she conducts an experiment.

“The Vorlix?” Jack suggests. And, oh, he SO does not want to hear that Linea is probably alive, young, and unrecognizable.

And, as Sam points out, very possibly she’s Ke’ra. (Duh-duh-duh)

Daniel is not amused. No way he’s been all kissy-face with The Destroyer of Worlds!

Oh. The DNA matches Janet’s Season Two sample.

Daniel is playing dirty in Ke’ra’s defense. Jack gets angry when Daniel subtly (not) points out that Teal’c used to be First Prime of Apophis, so why trust him and not the nice woman with complete amnesia? Ke’ra is not Linea. Not any more.

George decides to confine Ke’ra to her quarters and starts to send Jack to tell her, but Daniel butts in. He’ll tell her. He goes to her and tells her it’s a quarantine. And the guards outside her room? Just SOP.

Um, there’s no good-bye kiss when Daniel leaves the room. I guess the thrill is gone when you find out your new girlfriend used to be a mass murderer.

Well, Janet and Sam are kind of hung up on the research-into-a-cure front. Maybe Linea can help?

George strangely sees a problem with letting a known homicidal maniac work with lethal substances! Imagine that! Will he win the argument?


Jack urges precautions. Duh! (duh-duh)

Ke’ra is very helpful. She’s a whiz! Sam is in awe. Uneasy awe. Ke’ra wants to test the possible antidote on herself, but Janet tells her that’s not an option.

Squabbling!guy is our guinea pig. ZOMG, he almost dies! Janet saves him, of course. Let’s all pause for a moment and love on Janet.

*sentimental music plays softly*

The serum didn’t work, but Ke’ra knows where she may have miscalculated. Janet says they should take a break. Ke’ra wants to speak to Daniel alone. Think she knows something’s up?


Daniel tells her she is Linea. But that she’s not - she’s Ke’ra, and she’s wonderful. But she can never take the antidote.

There is hugging. It’s sad and sweet.

And then Daniel runs into Jack in the corridor (where Jack is lying in wait) and Jack shows his… concern, and he doesn’t mince words, either. He tells Daniel that he’ll be the first one to go if Linea ever regains her memory.

Daniel walks away without a word.

Jack remains concerned.

The new batch of antidote is ready to test! Summon the guinea pig! But first, send Ke’ra away.

And, er, don’t turn your backs on her. Oops. Too late.

The antidote is a success! Gosh, squabbling!guy is married to mocking!woman! Gee, we never saw that one coming.

Ke’ra leaves Daniel at the door to her room with the words, “All debts have now been paid.” He doesn’t get more than a few steps before he recognizes Linea’s parting (written) words to them. He rushes forward and flings her door open.

She has the vials of drugs, which she earlier established as dangerously volatile when not properly diluted. Meanwhile, back in the lab, Janet sees that two vials are missing! Jack and Teal’c dash off!

In they rush, weapons at the ready. Jack shouts at Daniel to move out of the way, but he refuses. There’s a better solution, and if he can convince the monster inside Ke’ra not to kill them all….

Linea is given the Vorlix drug and re-amnesia-fied Ke’ra is going home with no-longer-squabbling!couple.

She senses that she should know Daniel, but he denies it. They never really knew each other at all, and ain’t that the truth.


Question #1: Nature, or Nurture? How credible is it that a psychotic killer turns into a sweet angel when her memories are taken away? Are the Vyuns completely safe with Ke’ra in their midst?

Question #2: What was Daniel thinking? He bonded with Ke’ra and it was nice, but it was just an interlude. Why did he defend her so vehemently when her true identity was discovered?

Question #3: What were TPTB thinking when it was decided to air this episode right after Forever in a Day? Obviously more than a week has passed in Stargateland, but still….

season three, 0311 past and present, recap

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